AD Courses
AD 10500: Design I
AD 10600: Design II
AD 11300: Basic Drawing
AD 11400: Drawing II
AD 11700: Black And White Photography
AD 11900: Color Photography
AD 12500: Introduction To Interior Design
AD 13000: Interior Design Communication
AD 14600: Design Drawing I
AD 20000: Beginning Painting
AD 20100: Art For Elementary School Teachers
AD 20200: Introduction To Art Education
AD 20500: Design III
AD 20600: Studio In Visual Communication Design
AD 21300: Life Drawing I
AD 21500: Materials And Processes
AD 22000: Computers In Art
AD 22600: History Of Art To 1400
AD 22700: History Of Art Since 1400
AD 22800: Visual Communication Design Computing I
AD 22900: Visual Communication Design Computing II
AD 22901: Visual Communication Design Sophomore Review
AD 23000: Interior Design I
AD 23300: Electronic Media Studio
AD 23400: Art And Design Internship Preparation
AD 23500: Materials And Processes II
AD 23600: Lighting Fundamentals For Photography
AD 24000: Interior Drafting And Drawing
AD 24200: Ceramics I
AD 24600: Design Drawing II
AD 25000: Interior Design II
AD 25001: Interior Design Sophomore Review
AD 25100: History Of Photography I
AD 25500: Art Appreciation
AD 25600: Presentation Techniques
AD 25601: Industrial Design Sophomore Review
AD 26200: Jewelry And Metalwork I
AD 26500: Relief Printmaking
AD 26600: Silkscreen Printmaking
AD 26700: Digital Imaging
AD 27000: Constructed Textiles
AD 27500: Beginning Sculpture
AD 28000: Human Behavior And Designed Environment
AD 28500: Interior Components And Materials
AD 29199: Cooperative Experience I
AD 29299: Cooperative Experience II
AD 30000: Life Drawing II
AD 30200: Theory And Practice Of Elementary School Art
AD 30300: Art In Middle/Junior High Schools
AD 30300: Art in Middle/Junior High Schools
AD 30400: Video Art
AD 30500: Industrial Design I
AD 30600: Industrial Design II
AD 30701: History Of Contemporary Photography
AD 31100: Ancient Greek Art
AD 31200: Ancient Roman Art
AD 31400: Experimental Drawing
AD 31500: Design Methodology
AD 31600: Seminar On Ideas In Industrial Design I: Design And Society
AD 31800: Fundamentals Of Interactive Multimedia Design
AD 31900: Web Design For Visual Communication
AD 32600: Physical Computing
AD 33000: Interior Design III
AD 33100: Digital Video Production And Aesthetics
AD 33200: Visual Communication Design I
AD 33300: Photo Silk Screen
AD 33400: New Media Culture
AD 33800: Advanced Interior Design Communication
AD 33900: Women Artists In The 20th Century
AD 34000: Furniture Development
AD 34200: Ceramics II
AD 34300: Northern Renaissance Art
AD 34400: Latin American Art In The 20th Century
AD 34600: Italian Renaissance Art
AD 34700: Lighting For Interior Environments
AD 34800: History Of Islamic Art
AD 34900: Motion Design
AD 35000: Interior Design IV
AD 35900: Medieval European Art
AD 36101: The Constructed Image
AD 36200: Jewelry And Metalwork
AD 36300: Documentary Photography
AD 36500: Intermediate Painting
AD 36600: Visual Communication Design II
AD 36900: Lithographic Printmaking
AD 38000: Baroque Art
AD 38100: Alternative Photographic Processes
AD 38200: A Global History Of Art, Eighteenth-Nineteenth Centuries
AD 38300: Modern Art
AD 38400: Contemporary Art
AD 38500: History Of Interior Design
AD 39399: Cooperative Experience III
AD 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
AD 39500: History Of Design
AD 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
AD 39600: Art Museum Practices
AD 39700: Sustainability In The Built Environment
AD 40000: Advanced Painting
AD 40200: Art In Secondary School
AD 40400: Moldmaking And/Or Wheel-Throwing Production Techniques In Ceramics
AD 40500: Industrial Design III
AD 40600: Industrial Design IV
AD 41500: Professional Techniques
AD 41600: Seminar On Ideas In Industrial Design II: Design And Creative Problem Solving Methods
AD 41700: Augmented & Vrtual Reality Art
AD 42100: Advanced Studies In Photography And Related Media I
AD 43000: Interior Design V
AD 43100: Visual Communication Design III
AD 43200: Visual Communication Design IV
AD 43400: Professional Practice For Visual Communication Designers
AD 44000: Interior Detailing And Construction
AD 44200: Ceramics III
AD 46200: Metalsmithing
AD 46500: Professional Practice
AD 46800: Printmaking III
AD 47000: Advanced Studies In Textiles
AD 47800: Internship In Art And Design
AD 49000: Enameling/Glass On Metal
AD 49000: Production Ceramics
AD 49000: Casting II
AD 49000: VCD Prcss Dvlpmt Presentation
AD 49000: Color In Metals
AD 49000: Advanced Dark Room Photo
AD 49000: Materials & Processes II
AD 49000: Documentary Bookmaking
AD 49000: Experimental Painting Practice
AD 49000: Photography Portfolio Critique
AD 49000: Printmaking Independent Study
AD 49000: Advanced Music Theory
AD 49000: Advanced Engraving
AD 49000: Furniture Development
AD 49000: Advanced Materials And Process
AD 49000: Special Problems In Art And Design
AD 49000: Video Art Studio
AD 49000: Visual Comm Design IV
AD 49000: Engraving And Metal Design
AD 49000: Studies Art Middle/High School
AD 49000: Video Studio Art
AD 49000: Advanced Design In ID
AD 49000: Advanced Drawing
AD 49100: Galleries Intern
AD 49100: Thry Of Art Renss To Dgtl Wrld
AD 49100: Typography Design
AD 49100: Phys Facilities Mstr Pin
AD 49100: Art Theories From 1300 To Now
AD 49100: Design History Review
AD 49100: Interior Design Survey
AD 49100: Theatre Photography Internship
AD 49100: Signage Plan Elliott Hall
AD 49100: Logo Development II
AD 49100: AI For Industrial Designers
AD 49100: PhotomechanicalPrint Research
AD 49100: History Contemp Interior Dsn
AD 49100: Special Topics In Art
AD 49100: Intro To Curatorial Practices
AD 49100: Intr Museum Studies: UK Survey
AD 49900: Studio Arts Professional Practice/Senior Exhibition
AD 50200: Curriculum Studies In Art Education
AD 50400: Philosophical Studies In Art Education
AD 51200: Interaction Design Studies
AD 52000: Student Visual Design Service
AD 52200: Interaction Design Evaluation
AD 53200: Cognition In Design
AD 53500: Furniture Design
AD 54200: Information Visualization Design
AD 55000: Research Methods In Art And Design
AD 55800: Directed Project Research In Studio Arts
AD 56800: Directed Project Research In Design
AD 59000: CIDA Accreditation
AD 59000: Imbedded Woven Images
AD 59000: Graduate Project Critique
AD 59000: Exploration In Batik
AD 59000: Furniture Development
AD 59000: Experimental Photography
AD 59000: Soldering And Forming
AD 59000: Grad Digital Media Intensive
AD 59000: Grad Education In Photography
AD 59000: Extended Casting Study
AD 59000: Historic Photo Processes
AD 59000: Foundations Of INTD Accred
AD 59000: Advanced Material
AD 59000: Graduate Portfolio Development
AD 59000: Special TPCS Interior Design
AD 59000: Interior Design Curricul
AD 59000: Interior Design Theory Process
AD 59000: Graduate Figure Drawing
AD 59000: Special Art Problems
AD 59000: History Of Women Artists
AD 59000: ADV Grad Painting/Assemblage
AD 59000: Special Tpcs Interior Design
AD 59000: Advanced Drawing & Painting
AD 59000: New Media Art History
AD 59000: AI-Based Audio Synthesis & Art
AD 59000: Figure Drawing
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum:Fdn Draw
AD 59100: T A Practicum: ETB
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum Photo
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum VCD
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practcm Intr Desgn
AD 59100: T A Practicum:Photo
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prctcm: Indus Des
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practcm Printmaking
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prac:Print Stdio Tech
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prac: A&D Shop Tech
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum ETB
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum:Ceramics
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum Metals
AD 59100: Tchg Asst Practicum Sculpture
AD 59100: T A Practicum:Int Des
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum Painting
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prac:Ceram Stdio Tech
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum Art History
AD 59100: T Asst Practicum Art Education
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practm:Indstrl Design
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum: Art Ed
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum:Fdn Des I
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prctcm:Fdn Des/Dsng I
AD 59100: Tch Asst Practicum:Fdn Des II
AD 59100: Tch Asst Prctm:Fdn Des/Dsgn II
AD 59200: Hist Of Dsg,Disability& Access
AD 60000: Painting
AD 60300: Theory In Art Seminar
AD 60500: Problems In Industrial Design
AD 60600: Problems In Visual Design
AD 60700: Graduate Seminar In Photography And Related Media
AD 60800: Advanced Typography
AD 60900: Information Design
AD 61000: Advanced Poster Design
AD 61100: Advanced Web Design For Visual Communication Design
AD 61200: Color Aesthetic And Research
AD 61300: Drawing
AD 61400: Graduate Installation And Critique
AD 61500: Social Issues In Industrial Design
AD 61600: Electronic And Time-Based Art
AD 61700: Advanced Motion Design
AD 62500: Applied Ornamental Design
AD 64000: Adv Dsgn Methods Int Environ
AD 64000: Special Topics In Interior Design
AD 65800: MFA Project Research In Studio Arts
AD 66500: Printmaking
AD 66800: MFA Project Research In Design
AD 66900: Materials And Processes For The Studio Artist
AD 67500: Sculpture
AD 67800: Graduate Internship
AD 69000: Advanced Problems In Art And Design
AD 69000: Visual Communication Pub Desig
AD 69100: Directed Readings In Art History
AD 69100: Art And Labor
AD 69100: Design & Culture Seminar
AD 69300: Historical Problems In Art Education
AD 69600: Aesthetic Development In Children
AD 69700: MFA Graduate Exhibition
AD 69800: Research MA Or MFA Thesis
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unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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