AMST Courses
AMST 10100: America And The World
AMST 20100: Interpreting America
AMST 22000: Technology And Play
AMST 30100: Perspectives On America
AMST 30100: New Media
AMST 30100: Food In Modern America
AMST 30100: Disney & The Politics Of Rep
AMST 30100: Asian Amer Pop Cul
AMST 30100: Internship In Asian Am Stds
AMST 30100: Afro-Asia Pol & Cul Alli
AMST 30100: Sport And Popular Feminisms
AMST 30100: Underst Nat Football Leag
AMST 30100: Sports & Feminism
AMST 30100: Global Hist Theory & Practice
AMST 30100: Global 1960s Revolution
AMST 30100: American Conspiracy Theories
AMST 30100: American Music Pol Image
AMST 30100: AsAm Popular Culture
AMST 30100: American Beauty
AMST 30100: Theories Of Global Studies
AMST 30100: Intro Asian American Studies
AMST 30100: North African Lit & Culture
AMST 30100: Post Soul Black Lit Post 1960
AMST 31000: Invention, Innovation, And Design
AMST 32000: Understanding The National Football League
AMST 32500: Sports, Technology, And Innovation
AMST 59000: Mapping Contemp Am Issues
AMST 59000: Environment, Art & Activism
AMST 59000: Digital Colonialism
AMST 59000: Indigenous Agency/Activism
AMST 59000: African Amer Hist In 20th Cen
AMST 59000: Deadstock:Politics Of Culture
AMST 59000: Gardens & Machines
AMST 59000: Young Adult Literature/Culture
AMST 59000: West African History
AMST 59000: Kink/Blk Kink In Fest Practice
AMST 60100: Introduction To American Studies
AMST 60200: Contemporary Issues In American Studies
AMST 60300: American Studies Interdisciplinary Project
AMST 60400: Transnational American Studies
AMST 60400: Transnational America: Through A Comparative Lens
AMST 60600: American Studies Methods
AMST 63000: M A Research Seminar
AMST 65000: Critl & Indigenous Methodology
AMST 65000: Feminist Perspectives
AMST 65000: Contemp Black Fem Lit
AMST 65000: Comp Race, Ethnicity Differ
AMST 65000: Col & Early Amer Lit
AMST 65000: American Studies Methods
AMST 65000: Science, Technology & Society
AMST 65000: Rsrch Mthd In Scholar Activism
AMST 65000: African American Lit & Culture
AMST 65000: Electronic & Time-Based Art
AMST 65000: Visual Theory & Culture
AMST 65000: Feminist Methodologies
AMST 65000: Feminist Theory
AMST 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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