ANTH Courses
ANTH 10000: Being Human: Introduction To Anthropology
ANTH 10000: Being Human: Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 20100: Introduction To Archaeology And World Prehistory
ANTH 20300: Biological Bases Of Human Social Behavior
ANTH 20400: Human Origins
ANTH 20500: Human Cultural Diversity
ANTH 21000: Technology And Culture
ANTH 21200: Culture, Food And Health
ANTH 21500: Introduction To Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 23000: Gender Across Cultures
ANTH 23500: The Great Apes
ANTH 25400: Archaeological Hoaxes, Myths And Frauds
ANTH 25600: Archaeology Of Beer
ANTH 30600: Quantitative Methods For Anthropological Research
ANTH 30700: The Development Of Contemporary Anthropological Theory
ANTH 31000: Mortuary Practices Across Cultures
ANTH 31200: The Archaeology Of Ancient Egypt And The Near East
ANTH 31300: Archaeology Of North America
ANTH 32700: Environment And Culture
ANTH 33500: Primate Behavior
ANTH 33600: Human Variation
ANTH 33700: Human Diet: Origins And Evolution
ANTH 34000: Global Perspectives On Health
ANTH 34100: Culture And Personality
ANTH 36800: Sociolinguistic Study Of African American English
ANTH 37700: Anthropology Of Hunter-Gatherer Societies
ANTH 37900: Native American Cultures
ANTH 38000: Using Anthropology In The World
ANTH 38400: Designing For People: Anthropological Approaches
ANTH 38500: Community Engagement In Anthropology
ANTH 39000: Undergraduate Research
ANTH 39000: Individual Research In Anthropology
ANTH 39000: Ind Research Anth
ANTH 39200: Migration, Borders&Walls
ANTH 39200: Food, Culture And Power
ANTH 39200: Amazonia And Film
ANTH 39200: Medicine, Science & Culture
ANTH 39200: Pregnancy, Birth & Babies
ANTH 39200: Colonial Globaln Food Justice
ANTH 39200: Visual Anthropology
ANTH 39200: ANTH Of Asia & Asian Diaspora
ANTH 39300: Interdisciplinary Approaches To Environmental And Sustainability Studies
ANTH 40500: Ethnographic Methods
ANTH 41001: Senior Capstone In Anthropology
ANTH 41400: Introduction To Language And Culture
ANTH 42500: Archaeological Method And Theory
ANTH 43600: Human Evolution
ANTH 49700: Senior Honors Seminar
ANTH 49800: Senior Honors Paper
ANTH 50400: Archaeological Theory
ANTH 50500: Culture And Society
ANTH 50700: Theory In Sociocultural Anthropology
ANTH 50700: History Of Theory In Anthropology
ANTH 51400: Anthropological Linguistics
ANTH 51900: Introduction To Semiotics
ANTH 52300: GIS For Humanities And Social Science Research
ANTH 53400: Human Osteology
ANTH 53500: Foundations Of Biological Anthropology
ANTH 56300: Historical Linguistics
ANTH 56500: Sociolinguistics
ANTH 58900: Archaeology And Materials Science
ANTH 59000: Mortuary Practices Across Cult
ANTH 59000: PhD Prelim Preparation
ANTH 59000: Enviro Arch And Climate Change
ANTH 59000: Digital Archaeology
ANTH 59000: Human Evol Eco & Demography
ANTH 59000: Colonial Global Food Justice
ANTH 59000: Contemp Aging Craft Research
ANTH 59000: Individual Research Problems
ANTH 59000: Anthropology Of Technology
ANTH 59000: Health & Science Anthropology
ANTH 59000: Diaspora Anthropology
ANTH 59200: Anthropology Proseminar
ANTH 59200: Qualitative Data Mgmt Curation
ANTH 59200: Ethnographic Writing
ANTH 59200: GIS Humanities & Soc Sci Res
ANTH 59200: Applied Anth Methods
ANTH 60500: Seminar In Ethnographic Analysis
ANTH 60600: Quantitative Research Design
ANTH 60800: Proseminar In Graduate Studies In Anthropology
ANTH 60900: Seminar In Aging
ANTH 61100: Special Topics In Archaeology
ANTH 62000: Political Ecology
ANTH 62000: Sem-CultANTH:Visual Anthroplgy
ANTH 62000: Anth Of Medicine, Science&Tech
ANTH 63000: Academic Professional Development
ANTH 64000: Foundations And Frameworks: Applying Anthropology
ANTH 64100: Discovery And Design: Making Projects Work
ANTH 64200: Public Engagement: Using Anthropological Knowledge
ANTH 69600: Research MS
ANTH 69800: Research MS Thesis
ANTH 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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