CGT Courses

CGT 10101: Foundations Of Computer Graphics TechnologyCGT 10301: Geometric Modeling ApplicationsCGT 10501: Introduction To GamesCGT 11000: Technical Graphics CommunicationsCGT 11200: Sketching For Visualization And CommunicationCGT 11301: Product Data ManagementCGT 11505: Scripting And Computational ThinkingCGT 11600: Geometric Modeling For Visualization And CommunicationCGT 11800: Fundamentals Of Imaging TechnologyCGT 12300: Animation FoundationsCGT 14100: Internet Foundations Technologies And DevelopmentCGT 14700: Visual Effects IntroductionCGT 16300: Graphical Communication And Spatial AnalysisCGT 16400: Graphics For Civil Engineering And ConstructionCGT 17207: User Experience Design Experience Studio ICGT 17208: User Experience Design Studio I: FundamentalsCGT 20500: Portfolio ReviewCGT 21301: Simulation And Visualization ApplicationsCGT 21500: Computer Graphics Programming ICGT 24100: Introduction To Computer AnimationCGT 24100: Introduction to Computer AnimationCGT 24500: Game Development I: Core Skills And TechnologiesCGT 24600: Compositing ICGT 24700: Visual EffectsCGT 25001: Computer Graphics Professional Practices ICGT 25500: Game Development II: Design And PsychologyCGT 25600: Principles Of User Experience DesignCGT 26505: Video Game Level, Mission, And World DesignCGT 27000: Introduction To Data VisualizationCGT 27001: Topics In Data VisualizationCGT 27108: User Experience Design Studio II: ScreenCGT 27207: User Experience Design Experience Studio IICGT 27208: User Experience Design Studio III: Cross-ChannelCGT 27500: Data Visualization IICGT 29000: Intro 2D AnimationCGT 29000: Topics In VisualizationCGT 29000: Data Visualization IICGT 30301: Digital ManufacturingCGT 30505: Portfolio IICGT 31000: Drawing, Acting And Scripts For AnimationCGT 31301: The Business Of Managing Digital Product DataCGT 31500: Computer Graphics Programming IICGT 32101: Digital IllustrationCGT 33300: Modeling For Entertainment GraphicsCGT 33500: Game ScriptingCGT 34000: Digital Lighting And Rendering For Computer AnimationCGT 34000: Digital Lighting And Rendering for Computer AnimationCGT 34100: Motion For Computer AnimationCGT 34100: Motion for Computer AnimationCGT 34500: Game Development III: Environment Modeling For GamesCGT 34505: Environment Modeling For GamesCGT 34600: Digital Video And AudioCGT 34800: Photorealistic ShadersCGT 35300: Principles Of Interactive And Dynamic MediaCGT 35600: Web Programming, Development And Data IntegrationCGT 36500: Game Development PracticumCGT 37000: Interactive Data VisualizationCGT 37108: User Experience Design Studio IV: StrategyCGT 37207: User Experience Design Experience Studio IIICGT 37208: User Experience Design Studio V: SpecializationCGT 37500: Game AudioCGT 37700: Scientific VisualizationCGT 38500: Game ProductionCGT 39000: Interactive Web ApplicationsCGT 39000: VR & 3D User InterfaceCGT 39000: 2D Animation Studio PipelineCGT 39000: Game Production IICGT 39000: Game Design PrototypingCGT 39000: Player Centered Approach To DGCGT 39000: Design FuturesCGT 39000: Game Scripting & CodingCGT 39000: Game Production UG ICGT 39000: Game AudioCGT 39000: Game DesignCGT 39000: Program PoetsCGT 39000: Game Production ICGT 39000: Interactive EntertainmentCGT 40500: Senior Portfolio ReviewCGT 41100: Contemporary Problems In Applied Computer GraphicsCGT 41101: Contemporary Problems In Applied Computer Graphics ICGT 41201: Contemporary Problems In Applied Computer Graphics IICGT 42500: Game DesignCGT 43500: Virtual Reality And 3D User InterfacesCGT 44200: Production For Computer AnimationCGT 44200: Production for Computer AnimationCGT 44500: Game Development IV: Procedural Asset Creation For GamesCGT 45000: Professional PracticesCGT 45001: Computer Graphics Professional Practices IICGT 45600: Advanced Web Programming, Development And Data IntegrationCGT 47000: Data Visualization StudioCGT 47407: UXD Experience Studio VI ManagementCGT 49000: Autism And TechnologyCGT 49000: Seminar-HonorsCGT 49000: Animation For GamesCGT 49100: Creative CodingCGT 49100: Special Topics In Computer GraphicsCGT 49800: UX Project ManagementCGT 49800: Undergraduate Research In Computer Graphics TechnologyCGT 50100: Seminar In Computer Graphics TechnologyCGT 50100: Seminar In CGTCGT 51100: The Development Of Graphics In TechnologyCGT 51200: Foundational Readings Of User Experience DesignCGT 51300: Interactive Multimedia Development And ResearchCGT 51400: Product Lifecycle ManagementCGT 51500: Virtual EnvironmentsCGT 51600: Collaborative Virtual And Augmented EnvironmentsCGT 51800: Augmented RealityCGT 52000: Computer Graphics ProgrammingCGT 52100: Advanced Real-Time Computer GraphicsCGT 52200: UX Design Graduate Studio I: FundamentalsCGT 53200: UX Design Graduate Studio II: Cross-ChannelCGT 53400: Technical Documentation In The Digital EnterpriseCGT 54000: Current Topics In 3D AnimationCGT 54300: Experimental AnimationCGT 54400: Animation History, Technology And TechniqueCGT 54500: Game Development ICGT 55500: Game Development IICGT 56200: Cognition And Human-Computer InteractionCGT 57000: Information VisualizationCGT 57200: Grad Experience StudioCGT 57200: UXD Grad Experience StudioCGT 57207: UX Design Graduate Experience StudioCGT 57500: Data Visualization Tools And ApplicationsCGT 58100: Compute Shader ProgrammingCGT 58100: BIM & GIS Integ For US EmbassyCGT 58100: Information VisualizationCGT 58100: Interac Prtotyp & Dig Fab HCICGT 58100: Proced Contnt Gentn For GamesCGT 58100: Artificial Intel Comp GrphcsCGT 58100: Tech Doc In Dig EntrpzCGT 58100: Disability And TechnoscienceCGT 58100: Design Fut Of Ent Graph PracCGT 58100: Experimental AnimationCGT 58100: Player Centrd Apprch Game DsgnCGT 58100: Game ProductionCGT 58100: Creative AICGT 58100: 2D Game Engine ArchitectureCGT 58100: CGT Graduate SeminarCGT 59000: Special Problems In Computer Graphics TechnologyCGT 59700: UXD Grad CapstoneCGT 61000: Visual Intelligence And PerceptionCGT 62000: Graphics Processing Unit ComputingCGT 63400: Automation Of Digital Product Development ProcessesCGT 63700: Creative AI: Machine Learning For Creativity And DesignCGT 67000: Applications In Visual AnalyticsCGT 69800: Research MS Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!