CLPH Courses
CLPH 43500: Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
CLPH 44800: Therapeutic Case Studies
CLPH 44900: Introduction To Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice
CLPH 45000: Formulary Dossier Management
CLPH 45100: Pharmacy Practical Training
CLPH 45300: Advanced Primary Literature Evaluation: A Focus On Therapeutic Issues
CLPH 45400: Advanced Practice In Psychiatric Pharmacy
CLPH 45700: Pharmaceutical Care In Developing Countries
CLPH 45900: International Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Preparation
CLPH 49000: International APPE Preparation
CLPH 49000: Rare Disease Therapeutics
CLPH 49000: Dossier Analysis And Form Mgmt
CLPH 65101: Internship In Pharmaceutical Industry
CLPH 69000: Special Problems
CLPH 69000: Cardiac Chnels & Clin Elecphys
CLPH 69000: Prin Of Pharmacokin Pharmacody
CLPH 69000: Intro To Pop PKPD
CLPH 69000: Physiological Based PK Models
CLPH 69000: Pharm Drug Metabolism & Disp
CLPH 69000: Intro To Precision Medicine
CLPH 69000: Drug Metabolism And Analysis
CLPH 69000: Res Project Development II
CLPH 69000: Intro Translational Research
CLPH 69600: Seminar In Pharmacy
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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