CPB Courses
CPB 25500: Clinical Pathology-VN
CPB 25500: Clinical Pathology For Veterinary Technicians
CPB 35100: Microbiology-VN
CPB 35100: Microbiology For Veterinary Technicians
CPB 35200: Parasitology-VN
CPB 46400: Clinical Toxicology-VN
CPB 46400: Clinical Toxicology For Veterinary Technology
CPB 48000: Seminar In Animal Welfare And Human-Animal Interaction-VN
CPB 48000: Seminar In Animal Welfare And Human-Animal Interaction
CPB 57800: Animal Models Of Human Disease
CPB 57900: Seminar In Comparative Medicine
CPB 58000: Epidemiological Research
CPB 58000: Undergrad Research In AMR
CPB 58000: Biomed Condensates Undergr Res
CPB 58000: Undergraduate Research
CPB 58000: Undergrad Research
CPB 58000: Infec Diseas Epid Rs: Map&Surv
CPB 58000: Human Animal Interaction
CPB 58000: CBBBL
CPB 58000: Bio & Mgmt Of Lab Animals
CPB 58000: AMR Review
CPB 58000: Humn-Anml Intrctn Rsch
CPB 58000: Ind Research Parasitology
CPB 58000: Current Topics Avian Medicine
CPB 58000: Special Topics
CPB 58000: Ugrad Independent Study Rsrch
CPB 58000: Research Independent Study
CPB 58000: Cancer Genetics/Gnomics
CPB 59000: Undergrad Rsch & Ind Studies
CPB 59000: Cancer Genetics
CPB 59000: Sem An Wlfr Hum-An Int
CPB 59000: Humn-Anml Intrctn Rsch
CPB 59000: Undergraduate Research
CPB 59000: Anim Welfare & Human-Interact
CPB 59000: Special Topics In Animal Welfare And Human-Animal Interaction
CPB 60000: Special Problems In Pathology
CPB 60100: Advanced Veterinary Clinical Pathology
CPB 60200: Advanced Veterinary Anatomic Pathology
CPB 60300: Grad Teaching Pract: Pathology
CPB 60300: Grad Tchg Pract: Bacteriology
CPB 60300: Grad Tchg Pract: Parasitology
CPB 60300: Graduate Teaching Practicum
CPB 60400: Neoplastic Diseases Of Animals
CPB 60500: Pathology Of Avian Diseases
CPB 61100: Veterinary Pathology Literature Review Seminar
CPB 61400: Topics In Advanced General Pathology
CPB 62400: Advanced Laboratory Animal Medicine
CPB 62500: Clinical Biostatistics
CPB 62600: Design And Analysis Of Epidemiologic Studies
CPB 63000: Advanced Veterinary Avian Pathology
CPB 63100: Avian Immunology
CPB 63200: Avian Medicine
CPB 63300: Preventive Avian Medicine Practice
CPB 63500: Advanced Veterinary Diagnostic Microbiology
CPB 63600: Veterinary Microbiology Seminar
CPB 68000: Seminar In Avian Pathology
CPB 68000: Prteomics IV:Prot Sumoy&Ageing
CPB 68000: Proteomics II PTMs
CPB 68000: Apicomplexan Biology
CPB 68000: MicroRNAs In Disease
CPB 68000: Neoplastic Dis Of Anim
CPB 68000: Scientific Presentations
CPB 68000: GenPath Board Prep
CPB 68000: Nematode Larva Migrans
CPB 68000: Clin Path Research
CPB 68000: Clinical Path Research
CPB 68000: Humn-Anml Interact Sem
CPB 68000: Clin Trials Dsign Cond
CPB 68000: Vet Immunology
CPB 68000: Adv Molec Bio & Genetic Enginr
CPB 68000: Adv Vaccine Technol
CPB 68000: Histopathology Seminar
CPB 68000: Epidemiological Research
CPB 68000: Veterinary Parasitology
CPB 68000: Ultrastructural Pathol
CPB 68000: Vet Virology
CPB 68000: Poultry Scientific Prsntion
CPB 68000: BBB Physio II-Neuro Dis
CPB 68000: Quantitative Pathology
CPB 68000: Poultry Diagnostic Med Study
CPB 68000: Study Abroad Japan
CPB 68000: Epi Study Dsgn/Analys
CPB 68000: Special Topics
CPB 68000: Sp Topics Fungal Pathogenesis
CPB 68000: Use & Care Lab Animals
CPB 68000: Molecular Diagnostics
CPB 68000: Mass Spec & Proteomics
CPB 68000: Int Animal Experiment
CPB 68000: Curr Tpc Imm Infec Dis
CPB 68000: Disease Of Laboratory Animals
CPB 69100: Seminar In Veterinary Pathology
CPB 69500: Seminar In Epidemiology
CPB 69700: Research Seminar
CPB 69800: Research MS Thesis
CPB 69900: Research PhD Thesis
CPB 81900: Veterinary Toxicology
CPB 83300: Preventative Avian Medicine Practice
CPB 84000: Use And Care Of Laboratory Animals
CPB 84100: Use And Care Of Laboratory Animals II
CPB 85100: General Pathology
CPB 85204: Veterinary Parasitology
CPB 85300: Principles Of Veterinary Immunology
CPB 85401: Epidemiology And Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine
CPB 85500: Veterinary Hematology And Cytology
CPB 85602: Veterinary Bacteriology And Mycology
CPB 85603: Veterinary Bacteriology And Mycology
CPB 85700: Veterinary Systemic Pathology
CPB 85700: Veterinary Systemic Pathobiology
CPB 86000: Veterinary Virology
CPB 86100: Veterinary Clinical Chemistry
CPB 86200: Clinical Epidemiology For Companion Animals
CPB 86300: Epidemiology For Livestock Production
CPB 86900: Veterinary Public Health And Zoonoses
CPB 87000: Diagnostic Veterinary Cytology
CPB 88300: Public Health
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
. We'd love to hear your