CS Courses

CS 10100: Digital LiteracyCS 15900: C ProgrammingCS 17600: Data Engineering In PythonCS 17700: Programming With Multimedia ObjectsCS 18000: Problem Solving And Object-Oriented ProgrammingCS 18200: Foundations Of Computer ScienceCS 18300: Professional Practice ICS 18400: Professional Practice IICS 19000: Plagiarism Detection ResearchCS 19000: Aut Algo Run ResCS 19000: Data Engineering In PythonCS 19100: Freshman Resources SeminarCS 19300: ToolsCS 19700: Freshman Honors SeminarCS 21100: Competitive Programming ICS 23500: Introduction To Organizational ComputingCS 24000: Programming In CCS 24200: Introduction To Data ScienceCS 24300: Artificial Intelligence BasicsCS 25000: Computer ArchitectureCS 25100: Data Structures And AlgorithmsCS 25200: Systems ProgrammingCS 25300: Data Structures And Algorithms For DS/AICS 28400: Professional Practice IIICS 28401: Professional Practice Part-TimeCS 29000: Al BasicsCS 29000: Competitive Programming ICS 29000: AI BasicsCS 29000: Automated Plagiarism DetectionCS 29000: Aut Algo Run ResCS 29000: Auto Runtime Algo ResearchCS 29100: Sophomore Development SeminarCS 29199: Cooperative Experience ICS 29299: Cooperative Experience IICS 30700: Software Engineering ICS 31100: Competitive Programming IICS 31400: Numerical MethodsCS 33400: Fundamentals Of Computer GraphicsCS 34800: Information SystemsCS 35100: Cloud ComputingCS 35200: Compilers: Principles And PracticeCS 35300: Principles Of Concurrency And ParallelismCS 35400: Operating SystemsCS 35500: Introduction To CryptographyCS 36100: Great Issues In Computer ScienceCS 37300: Data Mining And Machine LearningCS 38003: Python ProgrammingCS 38100: Introduction To The Analysis Of AlgorithmsCS 38600: Professional Practice IVCS 39000: Web Application DevelopmentCS 39000: Memory Security Tools IICS 39000: Aut Plag DetectionCS 39000: UG Research ML At IDEAS LabCS 39000: Wave Func Diff GrowthCS 39000: Building ARM64 Learning SystemCS 39000: IDEAS Lab ResearchCS 39000: Advanced Neural ProjectsCS 39000: Advanced Memory AllocationCS 39000: Advanced GC Techniques IICS 39000: GPU Arch For Diff PrivacyCS 39000: Automatic Algo Runtime ResCS 39000: Linux SecurityCS 39000: Advanced Memory Allocation IICS 39000: Robotic Operating Systems IICS 39000: Auto Runtime Algo ResearchCS 39000: ML Research @ IDEAS LabCS 39000: Generative AI In EducationCS 39000: Advanced Memory ManagementCS 39000: Immersive Visualization ChalleCS 39000: Aut Algo Run ResCS 39000: Automatic Plagiarism DetectionCS 39000: Double Equivariant AdaptationCS 39000: Embedded Operating SystemsCS 39000: Service Learning OutreachCS 39000: Competitive Programming IICS 39000: Service Learn OutreachCS 39000: Great Issues In Computer SciCS 39000: Advanced Topics In AlgorithmsCS 39100: Junior Resources SeminarCS 39399: Cooperative Experience IIICS 39700: Honors SeminarCS 40700: Software Engineering Senior ProjectCS 40800: Software TestingCS 41100: Competitive Programming IIICS 42200: Computer NetworksCS 42600: Computer SecurityCS 43400: Advanced Computer GraphicsCS 43900: Introduction To Data VisualizationCS 44000: Large Scale Data AnalyticsCS 44100: Data Science CapstoneCS 44800: Introduction To Relational Database SystemsCS 45600: Programming LanguagesCS 45800: Introduction To RoboticsCS 47100: Introduction To Artificial IntelligenceCS 47300: Web Information Search And ManagementCS 47500: Human-Computer InteractionCS 47800: Introduction To BioinformaticsCS 48300: Introduction To The Theory Of ComputationCS 48700: Professional Practice VCS 48900: Embedded SystemsCS 49000: iOS Development In SwiftCS 49000: Introduction To VR/ARCS 49000: Computational GenomicsCS 49000: NoSQL And Cloud DatabasesCS 49000: Competitive Programming IIICS 49000: Multipath RoutingCS 49000: HCI ResearchCS 49000: Empathy AI And RoboticsCS 49000: 5G ResearchCS 49000: Undergraduate AI ResearchCS 49000: Automatic Algo Runtime ResCS 49000: Advanced RenderingCS 49000: Independent StudyCS 49000: Research In GNNsCS 49000: UG Mentored ResearchCS 49000: Automated Machine LearningCS 49000: Computer NetworksCS 49000: Undergraduate Research In AICS 49000: Plagarism Detection ResearchCS 49000: Collision Detection RT CoresCS 49000: Generative AI In EducationCS 49000: BLE Health Profile SecurityCS 49000: Systems ResearchCS 49000: Text VisualizationCS 49000: Res CGVLABCS 49000: Network Traffic AnalysisCS 49000: Real-Time Headset InpaintingCS 49000: Bioinformatics ResearchCS 49000: Security ResearchCS 49000: Deterministic Big Data SystemsCS 49000: Auto Algo AnalysisCS 49000: Automatic Plagiarism AnalysisCS 49000: AI ResearchCS 49000: AI/ML ResearchCS 49000: Eye Contact In VideoconfCS 49000: BioinformaticsCS 49000: Research AI For Software EngrCS 49000: Auto Plagiarism AnalysisCS 49000: MITRE Embedded CTFCS 49000: Computer Networks ResearchCS 49000: Research In TCSCS 49000: Simulated Users Of VR AppsCS 49000: Generative AICS 49000: Updating The Purdue IOS AppCS 49000: Machine Learning And HCICS 49000: Programming Languages ResearchCS 49000: ERD DiagramsCS 49000: Operating Systems ProjectCS 49000: Dynamic Scaling Of 5G ServicesCS 49000: Graphics ResearchCS 49000: NextGen Mobile Core ResearchCS 49000: Embedded SystemsCS 49000: BIo InformationCS 49000: View Splicing For AR CollabCS 49000: AI Tools And Language ModelsCS 49000: Undergraduate ResearchCS 49000: ML For Disease DiagnosisCS 49000: Analyzing In Class QuizzesCS 49000: Introductions To RoboticsCS 49000: Intro To Data VisualizationCS 49000: Human Computer InteractionCS 49000: Large Scale Data AnalyticsCS 49000: Cloud ComputingCS 49000: Data Science CapstoneCS 49000: Software SecurityCS 49700: Honors Research ProjectCS 50023: Data Engineering ICS 50024: Data Engineering IICS 50025: Foundations Of Decision MakingCS 50100: Computing For Science And EngineeringCS 50200: Compiling And Programming SystemsCS 50300: Operating SystemsCS 50500: Distributed SystemsCS 51000: Software EngineeringCS 51400: Numerical AnalysisCS 51500: Numerical Linear AlgebraCS 52000: Computational Methods In OptimizationCS 52300: Social, Economic, And Legal Aspects Of SecurityCS 52500: Parallel ComputingCS 52600: Information SecurityCS 52700: Software SecurityCS 52800: Network SecurityCS 52900: Security AnalyticsCS 53000: Introduction To Scientific VisualizationCS 53100: Computational GeometryCS 53500: Interactive Computer GraphicsCS 53600: Data Communication And Computer NetworksCS 54100: Database SystemsCS 54200: Distributed Database SystemsCS 54300: Introduction To Simulation And Modeling Of Computer SystemsCS 55100: Cloud Computing FundamentalsCS 55500: CryptographyCS 55600: Data Security And PrivacyCS 55800: Introduction To Robot LearningCS 56000: Reasoning About ProgramsCS 56500: Programming LanguagesCS 56900: Introduction To Robotic SystemsCS 57100: Artificial IntelligenceCS 57300: Data MiningCS 57700: Natural Language ProcessingCS 57800: Statistical Machine LearningCS 57900: Bioinformatics AlgorithmsCS 58000: Algorithm Design, Analysis, And ImplementationCS 58400: Theory Of Computation And Computational ComplexityCS 58500: Theoretical Computer Science ToolkitCS 58700: Foundations Of Deep LearningCS 58800: Randomized AlgorithmsCS 59000: Extended RealityCS 59000: Introduction To VR/ARCS 59000: Cloud ComputingCS 59000: RL For RoboticsCS 59000: Generative AI & Its ImpactCS 59000: Knowledge DistillationCS 59000: Distributed ComputingCS 59000: Security Of Generative AICS 59000: Field Robotics Motion PlanningCS 59000: LLM-based Content AnalysisCS 59000: Distributed SystemsCS 59000: Multi-Agent Planning With STLCS 59000: Efficient Distributed SystemsCS 59000: Neuro-Symbolic Image AnnotatioCS 59000: B-Tree Compression IICS 59000: Privacy For Language ModelsCS 59000: Dynamic Memory In SwitchesCS 59000: Machine Learning To Mobile SysCS 59000: Human-in-the-loopCS 59000: Multi Robot ProjectCS 59000: Quantum Computing ImmersionCS 59000: Sparse Federated LearningCS 59000: Team-Leader-CRP-BASFCS 59000: Learning Difference SEMCS 59000: Sampling For Language ModelsCS 59000: Generative Models For RoboticsCS 59000: RCA For Cloud ApplicationsCS 59000: NLP-Augumented Attack InvestigCS 59000: Prompt LearningCS 59000: Robotics ResearchCS 59000: Hardware Side Channel AttacksCS 59000: Oracle Based Shortest Path AlgCS 59000: Advanced Mem Alloc TechCS 59000: Modern Trends Cloud ComputingCS 59000: Network Protocol Reverse EngCS 59000: Weak Memory Atomics In C++11CS 59000: Targeted FuzzingCS 59000: Gilvenko CantelliCS 59000: PoA Of P-mean WelfareCS 59000: Probabilistic Modeling GNNCS 59000: Cloud Computing Research LabCS 59000: CUDA K-SAT Solver Part IICS 59000: Evasion Attack Agst Lang ModelCS 59000: Vector DatabasesCS 59000: Forensics In Autonomous SystemCS 59000: Resiliency Of HCPCS 59000: Cognitive Robotics ResearchCS 59000: Learning Bayesian NetworksCS 59000: Operating Systems OptimizationCS 59000: NLP Multimodal MethodsCS 59000: Machine Learning For SecurityCS 59000: Fuzz Testing Distributed SysCS 59000: Report Summarization Using NLPCS 59000: Code Generation Using Gen AICS 59000: Insertion And Deletion CodesCS 59000: GenAI Sec Risks MitigationCS 59000: Robotics ProjectCS 59000: Autonomous Driving TestingCS 59000: Mbest Vs MsdCS 59000: Feature Detection Using MLCS 59000: Cloud Computing ResearchCS 59000: MPC W/ Noisy Ch & Active AdvsCS 59000: System Model CompilationCS 59000: 3D Bin Packaging PlanningCS 59000: Resiliency Analysis Of HCPCS 59000: Proc-Oriented Sim ExperimentsCS 59000: Optimizing InterpretabilityCS 59000: Neuro-Symbolic Data LabelingCS 59000: Security Of VR/AR Devices IICS 59000: Client Subsampling For FederatCS 59000: Multicore Operating SystemsCS 59000: eCTFCS 59000: Fully Homomorphic EncryptionCS 59000: XAI For Security ApplicationsCS 59000: Multi-Modal Methods In NLP 2CS 59000: Soft-Rigid Body ManipulationCS 59000: Sec Analysis Of Cyber SysCS 59000: Heterogeneous ComputingCS 59000: Heterogeneous Platform SecuritCS 59000: Gradient Based DLP SamplingCS 59000: Topics In Distributed SystemsCS 59000: Distributed Systems StudyCS 59000: LLM Reasoning/Alignment StudyCS 59000: Distributed CryptographyCS 59000: Sublinear AlgorithmsCS 59000: Topological Data AnalysisCS 59000: Operating System SecurityCS 59000: Artificial IntelligenceCS 59000: Gen Methods In Comp GraphicsCS 59000: IoT & Cyber Physl Sys SecurityCS 59000: Graphs In Machine LearningCS 59000: Prgm Anlysis For Deep LearningCS 59000: Machine Learning On GraphsCS 59000: Computing For Life SciencesCS 59000: Blockchains & CryptocurrenciesCS 59000: Intro To Data VisualizationCS 59000: Economics And ComputationsCS 59000: Human-Centered ComputingCS 59000: Hands-On Learning TheoryCS 59000: Fault Tolerant Comp Sys DsgnCS 59000: Cloud-Native Database SystemsCS 59000: Randomized AlgorithmsCS 59000: Algorithmic EconomicsCS 59000: Passwords & Human AuthctionCS 59000: Adv Tpcs In Pgrming LanguagesCS 59000: Compiler Architecture Co-DesgnCS 59000: Reliable And Secure SystemsCS 59000: Mobile Sys & Smartphone SecCS 59000: Approx Algorithms In ActionCS 59000: Data Security And PrivacyCS 59100: Blckchains From Thry To PrctceCS 59100: Blockchains: Theory To PractCS 59100: Res Sem First Yr Gr StudentCS 59100: Blockchains:Theory To PracticeCS 59100: CERIAS Security SeminarCS 59100: Systems SeminarCS 59100: Effective Teaching In CSCS 59200: Interpretability In MLCS 59200: Reliable And Secure SystemsCS 59200: Hands-On Learning TheoryCS 59200: Methods Of Machine LearningCS 59200: Machine Learning TheoryCS 59200: AI-Assisted Software EngrCS 59200: Machine Learning SystemsCS 59200: Reinforcement LearningCS 59200: Information VisualizationCS 59200: Software Reliability And AlCS 59200: Human-Robot InteractionCS 59200: Algorithmic Game TheoryCS 59200: Al For Scientific DiscoveryCS 59200: Network Intelligence 5G/BeyondCS 59200: Compiler-Architecture CodesignCS 59200: Special Topics In CryptographyCS 59200: ML And Algorithms SeminarCS 59200: Topics In Machine PerceptionCS 59200: Adv Topics In Types And PLCS 59200: Gen Methods In Comp GraphicsCS 59200: Passwords&Human AuthenticationCS 59200: AI And SecurityCS 59200: IoT/CPS SecurityCS 59200: Hardware SecurityCS 59200: Motion PlanningCS 59200: Modeling Digital & Real HumansCS 59200: Distributed Optimizaton For MLCS 59200: Socially Assistive AgentsCS 59200: Advanced Topics In CompilersCS 59200: Probabilistic Machine LearningCS 59200: Robot ManipulationCS 59200: New Trends In Big Data SystemsCS 59200: Disaggregated Database SystemsCS 59200: Introduction To Robot MotionCS 59200: AI Techniques In CybersecurityCS 59200: Compilers For GPUsCS 59200: Advanced Distributed SystemsCS 59200: Neurosymbolic Prog SynthesisCS 59200: Trusted & Confidentl ComputingCS 59200: Res Topics In Extended RealityCS 59200: Human-AI InteractionCS 59200: Automated Security TestingCS 59200: Verifying Systems At ScaleCS 59200: Prog Self-Driving NetworksCS 59200: Adv Topics In Reasoning W/ LLMCS 59200: Reasoning With LLMCS 59200: Analytical Toolkit In CSCS 59300: Human AI-InteractionCS 59300: Advanced Topics In AlgorithmsCS 59300: Principles Comp ArchitectureCS 59300: Algorithmic EconomicsCS 59300: Human-Robot InteractionCS 59300: Comp Vision With Deep LearningCS 59300: Machine Learning TheoryCS 59300: RoboticsCS 59300: Software Engineering /RoboticsCS 59300: Advanced Computer ArchitectureCS 59300: Computation & Learn On GraphsCS 59300: Intro To Quantum ComputingCS 59300: Topological Data AnalysisCS 59300: Microarchitecture SecurityCS 59300: Reinforcement LearningCS 59799: Graduate Professional PracticeCS 61500: Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations ICS 63500: Capturing And Rendering Real-World ScenesCS 63800: Multimedia Networking And Operating SystemsCS 65500: Advanced CryptologyCS 66200: Pattern Recognition And Decision-Making ProcessesCS 69000: Statistical Machine Lrning IICS 69000: Deep LearningCS 69800: Research MS ThesisCS 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!