EAPS Courses

EAPS 10000: Planet EarthEAPS 10200: Earth Science For Elementary TeachersEAPS 10400: OceanographyEAPS 10500: The PlanetsEAPS 10600: Geosciences In The CinemaEAPS 10900: The Dynamic EarthEAPS 11100: Physical GeologyEAPS 11200: Earth Through TimeEAPS 11600: Earthquakes And VolcanoesEAPS 11700: Introduction To Atmospheric ScienceEAPS 11800: Introduction To Earth SciencesEAPS 12500: Environmental Science And ConservationEAPS 13700: Freshman Seminar In Earth, Atmospheric, And Planetary SciencesEAPS 13700: Freshman Seminar In Earth And Atmospheric SciencesEAPS 13800: Thunderstorms And TornadoesEAPS 19100: Applied Planetary ScienceEAPS 19100: Service Learn OutreachEAPS 19100: Planetary Sci Research MethodsEAPS 20000: Water World: Processes And Challenges In Global HydrologyEAPS 20500: Fundamentals Of Planetary ScienceEAPS 22100: Survey Of Atmospheric ScienceEAPS 22500: Science Of The AtmosphereEAPS 22700: Introduction To Atmospheric Observation And MeasurementsEAPS 23001: Laboratory In Atmospheric Science: Introduction To Weather And Climate DatasetsEAPS 24300: MineralogyEAPS 24300: Earth Materials IEAPS 24400: Earth Materials IIEAPS 30100: Oil!EAPS 30900: Computer-Aided Analysis For GeosciencesEAPS 31000: Introductory Statistics For GeosciencesEAPS 31200: Capstone Environmental Science For Elementary EducationEAPS 31201: Earth Systems Science For Elementary TeachersEAPS 31500: BiogeochemistryEAPS 31900: Exploring Earth Through TimeEAPS 32000: Physics Of ClimateEAPS 32500: Aviation MeteorologyEAPS 32700: Climate, Science And SocietyEAPS 34400: Igneous And Metamorphic PetrologyEAPS 35200: Structural GeologyEAPS 35300: Earth And Planetary Surface ProcessesEAPS 35300: Earth Surface ProcessesEAPS 35400: Plate TectonicsEAPS 35400: Earth And Planetary GeophysicsEAPS 36000: Great Issues In Climate Change And SocietyEAPS 36000: Great Issues In Science And SocietyEAPS 36700: Survey Of Planetary AtmospheresEAPS 37500: Great IssuesEAPS 38500: Principles Of Engineering GeologyEAPS 39000: Geologic Field MethodsEAPS 39100: Planetary Science CapstoneEAPS 39100: Spacecraft DesignEAPS 39100: Planetary AtmospheresEAPS 39100: Planetary InteriorsEAPS 39100: Environmental ChemEAPS 39100: Earth & Planetary System SciEAPS 39500: AstrobiologyEAPS 40000: Planetary Sciences Senior CapstoneEAPS 41900: Internship In Environmental GeosciencesEAPS 42000: Global Change ModelingEAPS 42100: Atmospheric ThermodynamicsEAPS 42200: Atmospheric Dynamics IEAPS 42300: Atmospheric Dynamics IIEAPS 42501: Physics Of ClimateEAPS 43200: Synoptic Laboratory IIEAPS 43400: Weather Analysis And ForecastingEAPS 47400: Sedimentary GeologyEAPS 47400: Sedimentation And StratigraphyEAPS 47700: Earth And Planetary GISEAPS 49700: Earth And Atmospheric Sciences Undergraduate Readings And ResearchEAPS 50300: Mars SeminarEAPS 50400: Geologic Dating MethodsEAPS 50600: Cosmochemistry And GeochemistryEAPS 50801: Geographic Information SystemsEAPS 51000: Climate Time Series AnalysisEAPS 51400: Glacial And Quaternary GeologyEAPS 51500: Geodata ScienceEAPS 51800: Soil BiogeochemistryEAPS 52000: Theory Of ClimateEAPS 52100: Atmospheric ChemistryEAPS 52300: Radar MeteorologyEAPS 52400: Laboratory AnalysisEAPS 52500: Boundary Layer MeteorologyEAPS 52600: Introductory Geofluid DynamicsEAPS 52700: Principles Of Terrestrial Ecosystem EcologyEAPS 52900: Modeling Ecosystems And Biogeochemical CyclesEAPS 53000: Extreme Weather And Climate: Science And RiskEAPS 53200: Atmospheric Physics IEAPS 53300: Atmospheric Physics IIEAPS 53400: Tropical MeteorologyEAPS 53600: Introduction To General CirculationEAPS 53900: Mesoscale MeteorologyEAPS 54100: Geodetic Data And ApplicationsEAPS 55501: Numerical Modeling Of Planetary OrbitsEAPS 55600: Planetary Surface ProcessesEAPS 55700: Introduction To SeismologyEAPS 55900: 3D Seismc Intrprtn & VisualztnEAPS 57300: Basin AnalysisEAPS 57700: Remote Sensing Of The PlanetsEAPS 58000: GeodynamicsEAPS 58400: HydrogeologyEAPS 59000: Field Geology North AmericaEAPS 59100: Numerical Weather PredicationEAPS 59100: Weather Prediction CapstoneEAPS 59100: Machine Learning Of SeismologyEAPS 59100: Grav & Magntc Earth ScientEAPS 59100: GDSP Practical ResearchEAPS 59100: Mars North Polar Cap MappingEAPS 59100: ML Weather Prediction CapstoneEAPS 59100: AI Weather ModelsEAPS 59100: ExoplanetsEAPS 59100: The Nitrogen CycleEAPS 59100: Phys & Mech Of Earth MaterialsEAPS 59100: Num Modeling Of The AtmosEAPS 59100: Geological Dating MethodsEAPS 59100: Cordilleran TectonicsEAPS 59100: Numerical DynamicsEAPS 59100: Sustainable Geophysics SeminarEAPS 59100: Paleoclimatic ReconstructionEAPS 59100: Intro Reflection SeismEAPS 59100: Integrated Global Sys ModelingEAPS 59100: Volcanic SuccessionsEAPS 59100: Ocean WorldsEAPS 59100: Electrodynamics MultiphaseEAPS 59100: Geo/CosmochemistryEAPS 59100: Climate VariabilityEAPS 59100: Karst GeomorphologyEAPS 59100: Planetary OriginsEAPS 59100: Geologic Dating MethodsEAPS 59100: Planetary VolcanismEAPS 59100: Lunar ExplorationEAPS 59100: Laboratory AnalysisEAPS 59100: Mars ExplorationEAPS 59100: Space & Planetary InstrumentEAPS 59100: Seismic MethodsEAPS 59100: Global Tectonic SystemsEAPS 59100: Geo Anly Erth & Planet ContextEAPS 59100: Num Modeling Planetary OrbitsEAPS 59100: Geographic Info SystmsEAPS 59100: Space Mission Design For SciEAPS 59100: Isotope HydrologyEAPS 59100: Magnetic Fields Planetary SysEAPS 59100: Marine Sedimentary GeochemEAPS 59100: Envrmntl Data Mdl AssimilationEAPS 59100: Planetary AtmospheresEAPS 59100: Paleoclimate ReconstructionEAPS 59100: Inner Planets Mercury & VenusEAPS 59100: Cascadian Margin North AmericaEAPS 59100: Space PolicyEAPS 59100: GeoData Science SeminarEAPS 59100: Stable IsotopesEAPS 59100: Crustal TectonicsEAPS 59100: Planetary HabitabilityEAPS 59100: FAIR Data Practice Climate SciEAPS 59100: Subductn Zone Inputs & OutputsEAPS 59100: Space InstrumentationEAPS 59100: ImpactsEAPS 59100: Sustainable GeophysicsEAPS 59100: EAPS New Grad SeminarEAPS 60200: New Graduate Student SeminarEAPS 65200: Folding Of RocksEAPS 65300: Fracturing Of RocksEAPS 65700: Geophysical Inverse TheoryEAPS 68000: Contaminant HydrogeologyEAPS 69100: Seminar In Earth ScienceEAPS 69100: Colloquium In Earth, Atmospheric, And Planetary SciencesEAPS 69800: Research MS ThesisEAPS 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!