ECE Courses
ECE 20000: Electrical And Computer Engineering Seminar
ECE 20001: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals I
ECE 20002: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II
ECE 20007: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals I Lab
ECE 20008: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II Lab
ECE 20100: Linear Circuit Analysis I
ECE 20200: Linear Circuit Analysis II
ECE 20875: Python For Data Science
ECE 25500: Introduction To Electronic Analysis And Design
ECE 26400: Advanced C Programming
ECE 27000: Introduction To Digital System Design
ECE 27900: Sophomore Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 29199: Cooperative Experience I
ECE 29299: Cooperative Experience II
ECE 29401: Electrical And Computer Engineering Sophomore Seminar
ECE 29595: Principles Of Digital Sys Dsgn
ECE 29595: Data Science Labs: Multi Calc
ECE 29595: Elec Engr Fundamentals I Lab
ECE 29595: Elect & Computer Engr Fund I
ECE 29595: Introduction To Data Science
ECE 29600: Modeling For Bioelectrics
ECE 29600: Aqueous Batteries Research
ECE 29600: Attitude Estimation Using IMU
ECE 29600: Microstudy Of Semiconductors
ECE 29600: Nanophotonics Research
ECE 29600: Measurement Systems For DWPT
ECE 29600: Nonlinear Optical Materials
ECE 29600: Microstructural Studies Of Sem
ECE 29600: Quantum Optics UG Research
ECE 29600: VM Placement With RL
ECE 29600: Modeling Of Bioelectrics
ECE 29600: Undergraduate Research Project
ECE 29600: Micro FWV Prototyping
ECE 29600: Developing A New Mech For FWV
ECE 29600: REU
ECE 29600: Research
ECE 29600: Laser Lab Instrumentation II
ECE 29600: Radiation Effects Testing
ECE 29600: Wireless Battery Sensor
ECE 29600: ML/PUF Systems Research
ECE 29600: Research In Medical Imaging AI
ECE 29600: Laser Lab Instrumentation I
ECE 29600: Empirical Study Of ML Systems
ECE 29600: Flapping Wing Mechanisms
ECE 29600: Flapping UAV Simulator Design
ECE 29600: ElectricalAndComp Eng Projects
ECE 30100: Signals And Systems
ECE 30200: Probabilistic Methods In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 30411: Electromagnetics I
ECE 30412: Electromagnetics II
ECE 30414: Elements Of Fiber Optics, Lasers And Optoelectronics
ECE 30415: Fiber Optics And Lasers Laboratory
ECE 30416: Basics Of Engineering Optics
ECE 30417: Engineering Optics Laboratory
ECE 30500: Semiconductor Devices
ECE 30600: Electronic Circuits And Systems Laboratory
ECE 30653: Introduction To Nanotechnology And Quantum Science & Technology
ECE 30700: Electromagnetic Fields And Waves Laboratory
ECE 30800: Systems Simulation And Control Laboratory
ECE 30834: Fundamentals Of Computer Graphics
ECE 30862: Object-Oriented Programming In C++ And Java
ECE 30864: Software Engineering Tools
ECE 31032: Power Systems Engineering
ECE 31033: Power Electronics
ECE 32100: Electromechanical Motion Devices
ECE 32300: Electromechanical Motion Devices And Systems Laboratory
ECE 32300: Electromechanical Motion Devices and Systems Laboratory
ECE 33700: ASIC Design Laboratory
ECE 36200: Microprocessor Systems And Interfacing
ECE 36800: Data Structures
ECE 36900: Discrete Mathematics For Computer Engineering
ECE 37900: Junior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 38199: Professional Practice Co-Op I
ECE 38200: Feedback System Analysis And Design
ECE 38299: Professional Practice Co-Op II
ECE 38399: Professional Practice Co-Op III
ECE 39399: Cooperative Experience III
ECE 39401: Professional Communications And Diversity
ECE 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
ECE 39595: Software Engineering Tools
ECE 39595: Data Sci Labs Fourier Analysis
ECE 39595: Data Sci Labs Probability
ECE 39595: Selected Topics In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 39595: Fundamntls Quantum Technolgoy
ECE 39595: Intro To Nano & Quantum Techno
ECE 39595: Adv Programming With Objects
ECE 39595: Obj Oriented Pgming With C++
ECE 39595: Obj Oriented Pgming With Java
ECE 39595: ECE Reverse Eng
ECE 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
ECE 39600: Industrial Practice Seminar I
ECE 39699: Professional Practice Internship
ECE 40020: Sound Reinforcement System Design
ECE 40400: Introduction To Computer Security
ECE 40862: Software For Embedded Systems
ECE 41200: Introduction To Engineering Optics
ECE 41400: Elements Of Electro And Fiber Optics
ECE 42300: Electromechanical Motion Control
ECE 43200: Elements Of Power System Engineering
ECE 43300: Power Electronics
ECE 43700: Computer Design And Prototyping
ECE 43800: Digital Signal Processing With Applications
ECE 44000: Transmission Of Information
ECE 45500: Integrated Circuit Engineering
ECE 45600: Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis And Design
ECE 46100: Software Engineering
ECE 46300: Introduction To Computer Communication Networks
ECE 46800: Introduction To Compilers And Translation Engineering
ECE 46900: Operating Systems Engineering
ECE 47000: Curricular Practical Training
ECE 47001: Part-Time Curricular Practical Training
ECE 47300: Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
ECE 47700: Digital Systems Senior Project
ECE 47900: Senior Participation In Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 48300: Digital Control Systems Analysis And Design
ECE 49022: Electrical Engineering Senior Design Projects
ECE 49401: Professional Communication Capstone
ECE 49500: IGVC Senior Design
ECE 49500: Intro Packng & Hetero Intgrtn
ECE 49595: Open Source Software
ECE 49595: Directed Reading
ECE 49595: Selected Topics In Electrical And Computer Engineering
ECE 49595: Natural Language Processing
ECE 49595: Introduction To Game Theory
ECE 49595: Cam,Imgs,& Stat Inverse Probms
ECE 49595: Intro Thin Film Sci And Tech
ECE 49595: Computer Vision
ECE 49595: Intr To Reinforcement Learning
ECE 49595: Data Mine Basic Concpt&Technqs
ECE 49595: Selected Tpcs In ECE
ECE 49595: Game Theory For ECE
ECE 49600: FWV Trajectory Optimization
ECE 49600: Data Science For Security
ECE 49600: Augmenting Learning Experience
ECE 49600: Traj Op For 10 DOF FWV
ECE 49600: Auton Racing Hgh-Spd Algtms
ECE 49600: F1Tenth Autonomous Racing
ECE 49600: Compact Telephoto Camera
ECE 49600: Elec Design Of Bicopter
ECE 49600: AI Fairness
ECE 49600: EE Solutions To Human Falls
ECE 49600: Intro To Comp Neuroscience
ECE 49600: Research In Medical Imaging AI
ECE 49600: Exploration Of Heterostructure
ECE 49600: SCALE
ECE 49600: Intro To BMI
ECE 49600: Multi Agent Autonomy
ECE 49600: Design Optimization On FWVs
ECE 49600: Research Quantum Diffusion Alg
ECE 49600: Computational Astroimaging
ECE 49600: Control And Design Of Bicopter
ECE 49600: DFDD Camera
ECE 49600: Video Analytics Research
ECE 49600: Characterization Of CM Circuit
ECE 49600: Design Optimization For FWV
ECE 49600: SLM Research For Comp Vision
ECE 49600: Intro To BMIs II
ECE 49600: Cognitive Federated Learning
ECE 49600: Electronic Design For FWV
ECE 49600: Human Body Communication
ECE 49600: Electromechanic Design For FWV
ECE 49600: Fair Classification
ECE 49600: Single Shot HDR Imaging
ECE 49600: ML & Communication Research
ECE 49600: Reciever Design For DWPT
ECE 49600: Neural System Analog Design
ECE 49600: Low Power Management IC Design
ECE 49600: Generalized Kapitza Pendulum
ECE 49600: ASR Research
ECE 49600: Machine Learning For Networks
ECE 49600: Quantum Computing Research II
ECE 49600: FPGA Multiplexer Optimization
ECE 49600: Comp Vision LP Circuit Board
ECE 49600: Quantum Optics Undergrad Rsrch
ECE 49600: Machine Learning And Networks
ECE 49600: Design And Control Of Bicopter
ECE 49600: Current Source Inverter
ECE 49600: 3D Hand And Object Interaction
ECE 49600: Spatial Queries Using RT Cores
ECE 49600: Applied Electromagnetics
ECE 49600: Autonomous Racing Hgh-Spd Algs
ECE 49600: Electrical And Computer Engineering Projects
ECE 49600: Ray Tracing Acceleration
ECE 49600: Tools For Emb Camera Sys
ECE 49600: NanoX Memory Characterization
ECE 49600: Engineering Research
ECE 49600: Nanophotonics & Quantum Optics
ECE 49600: MITRE Embedded Capture Flag
ECE 49600: Integrated Photonics Modeling
ECE 49600: Autonomous Planning & Control
ECE 49600: Hyperdimensional Computing
ECE 49600: Intro To Cmp Neuroscience
ECE 49600: Optimization Of FWV Wings
ECE 49600: Quantum Optics UG Research
ECE 49600: Electronic Design For Drones
ECE 49600: Battery Optimization System
ECE 49600: Mixed Signal IC Research
ECE 49600: Parametric Testing Of Radio TX
ECE 49600: Intro To Brain-Machine Intrfac
ECE 49600: Research Mixed Signal Circuit
ECE 49600: NanoX RRAM Characterization
ECE 49600: Neuroscience & Laser Imaging
ECE 49600: Model Accuracy II
ECE 49600: Intro To Comp Neuro
ECE 49600: Computational Photography
ECE 49600: Kapitza Cart Model Validation
ECE 49600: Power Electronics Research
ECE 49600: Wireless Power Transfer
ECE 49600: Undergraduate Research Project
ECE 49600: Vision Based Drone Landing
ECE 49600: Undergraduate Research
ECE 49600: Optical Imaging/Sensing
ECE 49600: UI For Sparse Tensors
ECE 49600: Impulsive Systems Research
ECE 49600: Control Flow Melding
ECE 49600: Optical Engineering Chemistry
ECE 49600: Dynamic Sparsity In ML
ECE 49600: Software Research
ECE 49600: Chingwo Fall Project
ECE 49600: Nanophotonics Research
ECE 49600: Model Accuracy III
ECE 49600: Preprocessing For ECoG Data
ECE 49600: Undergraduate Research In ECE
ECE 50024: Machine Learning
ECE 50616: Physics And Manufacturing Of Solar Cells
ECE 50631: Fundamentals Of Current Flow
ECE 50632: Introduction To Quantum Transport
ECE 50633: Boltzmann Law: Physics To Computing
ECE 50653: Fundamentals Of Nanoelectronics
ECE 50863: Computer Network Systems
ECE 51012: Electromechanics
ECE 51018: Hybrid Electric Vehicles
ECE 51032: Computational Methods For Power System Analysis
ECE 51100: Psychophysics
ECE 51216: Digital Systems Design Automation
ECE 51300: Diffraction, Fourier Optics, And Imaging
ECE 52600: Fundamentals Of MEMS And Micro-Integrated Systems
ECE 53200: Computational Methods For Power System Analysis
ECE 54400: Digital Communications
ECE 54700: Introduction To Computer Communication Networks
ECE 55200: Introduction To Lasers
ECE 55900: MOS VLSI Design
ECE 56200: Introduction To Data Management
ECE 56500: Computer Architecture
ECE 56800: Embedded Systems
ECE 56900: Introduction To Robotic Systems
ECE 57000: Artificial Intelligence
ECE 57300: Compilers And Translator Writing Systems
ECE 57700: Engineering Aspects Of Remote Sensing
ECE 58000: Optimization Methods For Systems And Control
ECE 59500: Applied Quantum Computing III
ECE 59500: Applied Quantum Computing I
ECE 59500: Advanced Software Engineering
ECE 59500: Optical Imaging System Design
ECE 59500: Semiconductor Fundamentals
ECE 59500: Applied Quantum Computing II
ECE 59500: Fundamentals Of Transistors
ECE 59500: IP Generation And Management
ECE 59500: Intro To Ele Pkg & Hetero Intg
ECE 59500: CMOS Analog IC Design
ECE 59500: Intro To Operating Systems
ECE 59500: Semiconductor Manufacturing
ECE 59500: MRI Theory
ECE 59500: IP Generation & Management
ECE 59500: Stories Of Success
ECE 59500: Machine Learning II
ECE 59500: MEMS I
ECE 59500: Data Anlys-Des Of Exp-Mach Lrn
ECE 59500: Appl Oriented Comp Nanotech
ECE 59500: Integratd Circuit/MEMS Fab Lab
ECE 59500: Digital Sys Design Automation
ECE 59500: Deep Lrning For Comptr Vision
ECE 59500: Integration Through Simulation
ECE 59500: Intro Quantum Science & Tech
ECE 59500: Applied Crypto
ECE 59500: MEMS II
ECE 59500: Machine Learning I
ECE 59500: Microfabrication Fundamentals
ECE 59500: Advanced Lithography
ECE 59500: Data Analytics
ECE 59500: Applied Algorithms
ECE 59500: Food & Energy Farms
ECE 59500: Pwr Conv AC Syst
ECE 59500: Fundamentals Of Current Flow
ECE 60000: Random Variables And Signals
ECE 60022: Wireless Communication Networks
ECE 60146: Deep Learning
ECE 60200: Lumped System Theory
ECE 60270: Structure And Dynamics Of Large-Scale Networks
ECE 60400: Electromagnetic Field Theory
ECE 60420: Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits
ECE 60421: Nanophotonics And Metamaterials
ECE 60432: Nanophotonic Modeling
ECE 60600: Solid State Devices
ECE 60614: Reliability Physics Of Nanoelectronic Transistors
ECE 60645: High-speed Semiconductor Devices
ECE 60800: Computational Models And Methods
ECE 60827: Programmable Accelerator Architectures
ECE 60872: Fault Tolerant Computer System Design
ECE 60872: Reliable And Secure Computer Systems
ECE 61014: Electromagnetic And Electromechanical Component Design
ECE 61020: Operation Of Modern Power Systems
ECE 61025: Finite Element Analysis Of Electric Machines
ECE 61200: Advanced VLSI Devices
ECE 61500: Nonlinear Optics
ECE 61600: Ultrafast Optics
ECE 61700: Antennas: Design And Applications
ECE 61800: Numerical Electromagnetics
ECE 62400: Multimedia Systems
ECE 62500: Analysis Of Electromechanical Systems II
ECE 62900: Introduction To Neural Networks
ECE 63400: Digital Video Systems
ECE 63700: Digital Image Processing I
ECE 63800: Principles Of Digital Color Imaging Systems
ECE 63900: Error Control Coding
ECE 64100: Digital Image Processing II
ECE 64100: Model Based Image And Signal Processing
ECE 64200: Information Theory And Source Coding
ECE 64500: Estimation Theory
ECE 64700: Performance Modeling Of Computer Communication Networks
ECE 65600: Electronic Transport In Semiconductors
ECE 65800: Semiconductor Material And Device Characterization
ECE 66100: Computer Vision
ECE 66200: Pattern Recognition And Decision-Making Processes
ECE 66300: Compiler Code Generation, Optimization, And Parallelization
ECE 66400: Formal Languages, Computability, And Complexity
ECE 66600: Advanced Computer Systems
ECE 67300: Distributed Computing Systems
ECE 67500: Introduction To Analysis Of Nonlinear Systems
ECE 67800: Radar Engineering
ECE 67900: Advanced Digital Communications
ECE 68000: Modern Automatic Control
ECE 69200: Introduction To Graduate Research
ECE 69300: Advanced Intern Project
ECE 69400: Electrical And Computer Engineering Seminar
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation Part I
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation Part III
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation I
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation Part II
ECE 69500: Nanophotonic Modeling
ECE 69500: Datacenter & Cloud Networks
ECE 69500: High-Speed Mixed-Signal IC
ECE 69500: Comm For Engr Leaders: I2I
ECE 69500: Fiber Optics Communications
ECE 69500: Topological Electrodynamics
ECE 69500: Fiber Optic Communications
ECE 69500: ML In Cloud Computing
ECE 69500: Holistic Software Security
ECE 69500: Ideation Catalyst
ECE 69500: Quantum Optics
ECE 69500: Quantum Signal Processing
ECE 69500: Generative Models
ECE 69500: Types & Programming Languages
ECE 69500: Intro To Math For Control
ECE 69500: Computational BioEM
ECE 69500: Programable Accelerat Architec
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation
ECE 69500: Intro To Applied Cryptography
ECE 69500: Ideas To Innovation MS Project
ECE 69500: Probabilistic Causal Inference
ECE 69500: Hardware-Software Security
ECE 69500: Deep Learning
ECE 69500: Large-Scale Networks
ECE 69500: System-On-Chip Design
ECE 69500: Struc & Dyn Large-Scale Ntwks
ECE 69500: Hybrid Systems: Theory & Anlys
ECE 69500: ML In Bioinfo And Healthcare
ECE 69500: Intro To Operating Systems
ECE 69500: Advanced VLSI Design
ECE 69600: SoC Power Management
ECE 69600: MITRE Embedded Capture Flag
ECE 69600: Multicore Proc DV & Cache Hier
ECE 69600: WPT For Biomedical
ECE 69600: Digital ASIC Tapeouts In 22nm
ECE 69600: Neural Networks Style Transfer
ECE 69600: Characterize Large ML Models
ECE 69600: RISC-V GPU Design
ECE 69600: Secure Classification In NNs
ECE 69600: Training Energy Based Models
ECE 69600: IBM Analog AI Toolkit Project
ECE 69600: Realtime Trajectory Prediction
ECE 69600: SoCET Embedded Virtualization
ECE 69600: Polymorphic Benchmark & Design
ECE 69600: Tomographic Lidar
ECE 69600: Fabrication Of Optical Devices
ECE 69600: Electric Bus Charge Scheduling
ECE 69600: SiC Device Automated Testing
ECE 69600: SoC Verification
ECE 69600: SOC Physical Design
ECE 69600: Diffusion Models
ECE 69600: Analogy Design
ECE 69600: RISC V SoC Architecture
ECE 69600: Battery Health Sensing
ECE 69600: SoC Back-end Design Flows
ECE 69600: Wireless Neural IInterface Des
ECE 69600: Hyperdimensional Computing
ECE 69600: SOCET GPU Team
ECE 69600: Optical Imaging And Sensing
ECE 69600: GPU Design
ECE 69600: Spin-based Info Processing
ECE 69600: RISC-V Digital Design
ECE 69600: ALD Gate Oxide In SiC MOSFETs
ECE 69600: Power System Data Analysis II
ECE 69600: Dynamic Pulsed Beam Steering
ECE 69600: SoC Physical Design
ECE 69600: System On Chip Verification
ECE 69600: SoC Design And Verification
ECE 69600: Autodiff For Ray Tracing
ECE 69600: ReNEWW House Research II
ECE 69600: Advanced Electrical Engineering Projects
ECE 69600: 360-Degree Video Research
ECE 69600: Research On Regex Engineering
ECE 69600: ML Research Project
ECE 69600: EV Charging Research
ECE 69700: SiPho Device Characterization
ECE 69700: Ext Embd & Syst Security
ECE 69700: Embd & Syst Security Readings
ECE 69700: Directed Reading In Electrical Engineering
ECE 69700: SoCET Directed Reading
ECE 69800: Research MS Thesis
ECE 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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