EDPS Courses

EDPS 10101: Learning In Context-An Introduction To The Learning SciencesEDPS 10500: Academic And Career PlanningEDPS 10600: Mapping Your CareerEDPS 17700: Learning And Regulation Strategies For College SuccessEDPS 20001: Special Populations Seminar: Focus On Students With Disabilities And Differentiation ApproachesEDPS 21100: Special Education Law, Policy, And Ethical GuidelinesEDPS 21200: Collaboration And Family Engagement To Support Students With DisabilitiesEDPS 23500: Learning And MotivationEDPS 24000: Children With Gifts, Creativity, And TalentsEDPS 24800: Differentiating Curriculum And InstructionEDPS 26500: The Inclusive ClassroomEDPS 26501: The Inclusive ClassroomEDPS 27001: Characteristics Of Individuals With Mild DisabilitiesEDPS 30000: Student Leadership DevelopmentEDPS 30100: Peer Counseling TrainingEDPS 30400: Assessment And Transition (Data-Based Decision-Making)EDPS 30500: Special Education Seminar: Perspectives On DisabilityEDPS 30900: Systematic And Explicit InstructionEDPS 31001: Characteristics Of Individuals With Disability Who Require Intense InterventionEDPS 31100: Supporting Exceptional Learners: Foundations And MathematicsEDPS 31200: Inclusive Practices In Cross-Content CurriculumEDPS 31500: Collaborative Leadership: Interpersonal SkillsEDPS 31600: Collaborative Leadership: Cross-Cultural SettingsEDPS 31700: Collaborative Leadership: MentoringEDPS 32000: Happiness And Well-Being: Introduction To Positive PsychologyEDPS 32600: Foundations Of Adapted Physical EducationEDPS 32700: Classroom AssessmentEDPS 36100: Use Of Assessment Techniques In Special EducationEDPS 36201: Positive Behavioral Interventions And Supports For Prevention And Treatment Of Challenging BehaviorEDPS 36201: Positive Behavioral SupportsEDPS 36300: Psychoeducational, Medical, And Physical Aspects Of Individuals With DisabilitiesEDPS 40200: K-12 Reading Methods For Exceptional LearnersEDPS 40300: Individual Social, Emotional, Behavioral SupportsEDPS 41001: Collaboration And Transition Practices For Individuals With DisabilitiesEDPS 41700: Special Education Knowledge And Skills For General EducatorsEDPS 42100: Supporting Exceptional Learners: Social Studies And ScienceEDPS 43000: Creating And Managing Learning EnvironmentsEDPS 43010: Secondary Creating And Managing Learning EnvironmentsEDPS 45200: Global Studies SeminarEDPS 45901: Assistive TechnologyEDPS 46000: Strategies For Teaching Individuals With Mild And Moderate Disabilities Primary & Elementary GradesEDPS 46100: Student Teach DualEDPS 46100: Student Teaching Sem 1EDPS 46100: SPED Student Teach ResidencyEDPS 46100: Student Teach Dual LicEDPS 46200: Strategies For Teaching Individuals With Mild And Moderate Disabilities (Middle And High School)EDPS 46300: Teaching Individuals With Severe DisabilitiesEDPS 49000: Learning And MotivationEDPS 49000: Classroom AssessmentEDPS 49000: Individual Teaching & ResearchEDPS 49000: Independent Research In GCTEDPS 49000: Individual Research And Teaching ExperienceEDPS 49000: Creating Learning EnvEDPS 49000: Life Skill:Success StratEDPS 49000: Life Skills Sucess & LeadershpEDPS 49100: Assistive TechnologyEDPS 49500: Practicum In Gifted, Creative, And Talented EducationEDPS 49800: Spvsd Tch Mld & Intense DisEDPS 49800: Spvsd Tch Mild DisEDPS 49800: Supvsd Tch Elem/SPED DualEDPS 49800: Spvsd Tch Elem/SPED DualEDPS 50000: Group Counseling Theories And TechniquesEDPS 50500: Foundations Of Career Development And AssessmentEDPS 50700: Counseling Multicultural And Diverse PopulationsEDPS 53000: Advanced Educational PsychologyEDPS 53000: Cognition And Learning In ContextEDPS 53100: Introduction To Measurement And Instrument DesignEDPS 53300: Introduction To Educational Research I: MethodologyEDPS 53400: Introduction To Educational Research II: Measurement ConsiderationEDPS 53600: Achievement Motivation And PerformanceEDPS 54000: Gifted, Creative And Talented ChildrenEDPS 54200: Curriculum And Program Development In Gifted EducationEDPS 54500: Social And Affective Development Of Gifted StudentsEDPS 54700: Foundations And Principles Of Applied Behavior AnalysisEDPS 54800: Ethics And Professional Practice Of Applied Behavior AnalysisEDPS 54900: Verbal Behavior And Social CommunicationEDPS 55100: Practicum In Applied Behavior AnalysisEDPS 55200: Basic Concepts Of Applied Behavior AnalysisEDPS 55300: Application Of Applied Behavior Analysis To Manage And Support PersonnelEDPS 55600: Introduction To Quantitative Data Analysis Methods In Education IEDPS 55700: Introduction To Quantitative Data Analysis Methods In Education IIEDPS 59000: Cross Cultural Res In GT EDEDPS 59000: Individual Research ProjectEDPS 59000: MSED SeminarEDPS 59000: Qual Data Analysis InterviewEDPS 59000: Individual Behavior SupportsEDPS 59000: Exploration Of Mentoring LitEDPS 59000: Research CompetencyEDPS 59000: Co Lead SeminarEDPS 59000: Autism Bhvr Intervention LabEDPS 59000: University TeachingEDPS 59000: IPESHINES SeminarEDPS 59000: Metacognition And LearningEDPS 59000: Seminar: Measurement Of ECEDPS 59000: Individual Research ProblemsEDPS 59000: Public Policy & GT EducationEDPS 59100: Asian American PsychologyEDPS 59100: Biological PsychologyEDPS 59100: Intellect Neuro AssessmentEDPS 59100: PsychopathologyEDPS 59100: Hist & Systems Of Psychology”EDPS 59100: Creativity In EducationEDPS 59100: Talent Develop In STEMEDPS 59100: Seminar In Doc WritingEDPS 60000: Counseling Theories And TechniquesEDPS 60100: Counseling Theories And Techniques LaboratoryEDPS 60400: Advanced Counseling Theories And TechniquesEDPS 60700: Mixed Methods Research Designs And ApplicationsEDPS 61200: Advanced Applied Behavior AnalysisEDPS 61400: Advanced Counseling PracticumEDPS 61700: Professional Issues, Ethics, And History Of Counseling PsychologyEDPS 61801: Intellectual & Neuropsychological AssessmentEDPS 61900: Counseling Psychology Research PracticumEDPS 62100: Advanced Multicultural Counseling Theory And PracticeEDPS 62200: Systems Concepts In Counseling And DevelopmentEDPS 62300: Personality AssessmentEDPS 62400: Advanced Off-Site Counseling Practicum And Supervision TheoryEDPS 62500: Human Growth And DevelopmentEDPS 62800: The Behavior Analyst As SupervisorEDPS 63000: Research Procedures In EducationEDPS 63100: Gifted Ed SeminarEDPS 63200: Analy Lg-Scale Intl Ed DataEDPS 63200: Adv Measure/Method Res SeminarEDPS 63200: Anly Of Lg Scale Intl Ed DataEDPS 63200: Applied Multivariate MethodsEDPS 63200: Intro Multilevel ModelingEDPS 63200: Large Scale Educ Data AnalysisEDPS 63200: Multivariate AnalysisEDPS 63200: Stat Consulting For Soc SciEDPS 63200: Multilevel ModelingEDPS 63200: Introduction To Meta AnalyisEDPS 63200: Computer Adapting TestingEDPS 63200: Current Issues In MeasurementEDPS 63200: Introduction To Meta-AnalysisEDPS 63300: Proseminar In EDPSYEDPS 63300: Role Evidence Epistemic CogEDPS 63300: Advanced Motivation SeminarEDPS 63300: Seminar In Educational PsychologyEDPS 63300: Educational Psych In PracticeEDPS 63500: Psychometric Theory And ApplicationEDPS 63600: Item Response TheoryEDPS 65000: Critical Issues In Special EducationEDPS 65300: Collaborative LearningEDPS 66100: Review And Implications Of Research In Special EducationEDPS 66400: Seminar In Special EducationEDPS 66400: Research Seminar Special EducEDPS 68800: Single Subject Research DesignEDPS 69500: Practicum In Gifted EdEDPS 69500: Internship In Ed PsychologyEDPS 69600: Internship In Counseling PsychologyEDPS 69800: Research MS ThesisEDPS 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!