EDST Courses
EDST 20010: Educational Policies And Laws
EDST 51400: Economics Of Education
EDST 59100: Org & Admn In Higher Education
EDST 59100: Assessment & Prog Eval In HE
EDST 59100: Cultr Engage In HE Communities
EDST 59100: Higher Education Law
EDST 59100: Higher Edu Leadership & Mgmt
EDST 59100: Econ And Finance Of Higher Ed
EDST 64200: Cultural Engagment In Higher Education Communities
EDST 64300: Higher Education Economics And Finance
EDST 64500: Higher Education Leadership And Management
EDST 69500: Internship In Education
EDST 69500: Internship In Higher Edu
EDST 69700: EdS Project-Research
EDST 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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