ENTM Courses

ENTM 10100: Insect Biology And Societal Grand ChallengesENTM 10200: The Practice Of ScienceENTM 10500: Insects: Friend And FoeENTM 12800: Investigating Forensic ScienceENTM 20100: Scientific And Technical CommunicationENTM 20600: General EntomologyENTM 20700: General Entomology LaboratoryENTM 21000: Introduction To Insect BehaviorENTM 22810: Forensic InvestigationENTM 22820: Forensic AnalysisENTM 22830: Forensic Testimony And EthicsENTM 22840: Forensic Entomology PrinciplesENTM 25300: Insect Physiology And BiochemistryENTM 29400: Forensics Study Abroad UKENTM 30100: Experimentation And AnalysisENTM 31100: Insect EcologyENTM 31200: Insect Chemical EcologyENTM 31200: Plant-Insect Chemical EcologyENTM 32810: Practical Molecular BiologyENTM 32820: Medico-Legal EntomologyENTM 33500: Introduction To Insect IdentificationENTM 35300: Insecticides And EnvironmentENTM 39100: ISP InternshipENTM 39300: Insect Biology PracticumENTM 39310: Insect Biology Practicum IIENTM 40100: Addressing Grand Challenges Through Insect BiologyENTM 41000: Applied Insect BiologyENTM 41001: Insects Of Urban LandscapesENTM 42820: Carrion EcologyENTM 42890: Forensic Science TeachingENTM 43100: Human-Wildlife ConflictsENTM 49310: Insect Biology Capstone ExperienceENTM 49390: Insect Biology Capstone ForumENTM 49500: Spec Prob Medical EntomologyENTM 49700: Forensic Chem Mthd CreationENTM 49700: Forensic Entm Basic ResearchENTM 49800: Address Grand Challenge IBIOENTM 49800: Teaching Insect PhysiologyENTM 49800: General Entomology TeachingENTM 50800: Integrative Insect TaxonomyENTM 52500: Medical And Veterinary EntomologyENTM 59500: Intro Plant-Microbe Res-HonorsENTM 60000: Graduate Student OrientationENTM 60200: Insect BiologyENTM 60900: Science WritingENTM 61000: Current Trends In Insect Pest ManagementENTM 61100: Toxicology Of InsecticidesENTM 64200: Analysis Of Ecological DataENTM 69200: Science Writing IENTM 69200: Experimentation And AnalysisENTM 69200: Synthesis In EcologyENTM 69200: The Science And Policy Of IPMENTM 69200: Extension MethodsENTM 69200: Pollinator HealthENTM 69200: Phylogenetic MethodsENTM 69200: Insect GenomicsENTM 69200: Biological ControlENTM 69200: Insect Chemical EcologyENTM 69200: Interntnl Pest Prblms & SoltnsENTM 69200: Insect PhylogeneticsENTM 69200: Emerging Global Insect PestsENTM 69200: Hot Topics In Medical ENTMENTM 69800: Research MS ThesisENTM 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!