FNR Courses

FNR 12500: Environmental Science And ConservationFNR 15000: The Nature Of Wild ThingsFNR 20100: Marine BiologyFNR 21000: Natural Resource Information ManagementFNR 22310: Introduction To Environmental PolicyFNR 22500: DendrologyFNR 23000: The World's Forests And SocietyFNR 24000: Wildlife In AmericaFNR 24150: Ecology And Systematics Of Fishes, Amphibians And ReptilesFNR 24250: Laboratory In Ecology And Systematics Of Fishes, Amphibians And ReptilesFNR 25150: Ecology And Systematics Of Mammals And BirdsFNR 25250: Laboratory In Ecology And Systematics Of Mammals And BirdsFNR 27000: Landscape-Level PlanningFNR 29800: Conservation GenomicsFNR 29800: Fisheries Independent StudyFNR 30110: Sustainable Wood Products ManufacturingFNR 30200: Global Sustainability IssuesFNR 30500: Conservation GeneticsFNR 31110: Identification And Basic Properties Of WoodFNR 31300: AquaponicsFNR 33100: Forest EcosystemsFNR 33300: Fire Effects In Forest EnvironmentsFNR 33350: Applied Fire EcologyFNR 33800: Introduction To SilvicultureFNR 33900: Principles Of SilvicultureFNR 34100: Wildlife Habitat ManagementFNR 34800: Wildlife Investigational TechniquesFNR 35100: Aquatic Sampling TechniquesFNR 35150: Aquatic Sampling Techniques IIFNR 35300: Natural Resources MeasurementFNR 35500: Quantitative Methods For Resource ManagementFNR 35700: Fundamental Remote SensingFNR 35910: Spatial EcologyFNR 35950: Spatial Ecology LaboratoryFNR 37500: Human Dimensions of Natural Resource ManagementFNR 37500: Human Dimensions Of Natural Resource ManagementFNR 37700: Optimize Student Conference AttendanceFNR 37800: Marine Biology PracticumFNR 38400: Statistics For Natural ResourcesFNR 38500: Fish Biology And EcologyFNR 40100: LimnologyFNR 40600: Natural Resource And Environmental EconomicsFNR 40700: Forest EconomicsFNR 40910: Forest Resources ManagementFNR 41910: Furniture Product Development And Strength DesignFNR 43200: Human-Wildlife ConflictsFNR 43300: Grand Challenges In Forest ManagementFNR 43400: Tree PhysiologyFNR 43900: SilvicultureFNR 44400: Arboricultural PracticesFNR 44500: Urban Forest IssuesFNR 44700: Vertebrate Population DynamicsFNR 45200: AquacultureFNR 45300: Fish PhysiologyFNR 45600: Fish And Marine Population DynamicsFNR 45700: Practical Fisheries ManagementFNR 45800: Advanced Marine BiologyFNR 46500: History And Role Of Hunting In North American Wildlife ConservationFNR 47000: Fundamentals Of PlanningFNR 48410: Sustainable Wood Products, Furniture Design And ManufacturingFNR 49000: Musical Instrument ProductionFNR 49800: Applied Fire EcologyFNR 49800: Aquatic Sampling TechniquesFNR 49800: Aquatic Sampling TechFNR 49800: Arboricultural Issues EduFNR 49800: Vulture Home Range AnalysisFNR 49800: Aquatic Habitat ResearchFNR 49800: Monitoring Wildlife PopulationFNR 49800: Fish Movement StudiesFNR 49800: Bobcat ABM IIFNR 49800: Fish Physiology ResearchFNR 49800: Invstgn Of Killifish HybrdztnFNR 49800: Amphibian EcotoxicologyFNR 49800: Fisheries Automated AnalysisFNR 49800: BLVU Resource Pulse ManuscriptFNR 49800: ARU Study: BHCB-LBVI DynamicsFNR 49800: Ecotoxicology ResearchFNR 49800: Applied Habitat ResearchFNR 49800: Remote Camera ResearchFNR 49800: Lake Michigan Larval Fish ResFNR 49800: Environmental EducationFNR 49800: Aquatic Ecology ResearchFNR 49800: Ecotox Of Pond EcosystemsFNR 49800: Hellbender Pattern MappingFNR 49800: Amphibian Ecotoxicology RsrchFNR 49800: Lake Michigan ZooplanktonFNR 49800: Biomechanics & MorphologyFNR 49800: Submit Vulture Behvr ManuscrptFNR 49800: Ecosys Sensors Individ StudyFNR 49800: Aleutian Arctic Fox Pop DyFNR 49800: Ungulate Surveys ResearchFNR 49800: Lake Michigan Yellow PerchFNR 49800: Special AssignmentsFNR 49800: Furniture ProductionFNR 49800: Camera Analysis ResearchFNR 49800: Bat Habitat Comparative StudyFNR 49800: Swdsh Fsh Stable Isotopes IIFNR 49800: Intro To Specimen PreservationFNR 49800: Undergrad Wildlife ResearchFNR 49800: Swedish Fish Stable IsotopesFNR 49800: Vertebrate Population DynamicsFNR 49800: Wildlife ResearchFNR 49800: Environmental Education ProjFNR 49800: LBVI Data CollectionFNR 49800: Lake Michigan LiteracyFNR 49800: Aquatic Ecotoxicology ResearchFNR 49800: Environmental Education PrjctFNR 49800: Wildlife In Rehab SettingFNR 49800: Bat Habitat OccupancyFNR 49800: Hunting And ConservationFNR 49800: Bobcat ABMFNR 49800: NA Hunting & ConservationFNR 49800: Hellbender Density And GrowthFNR 49800: Encounter History CodingFNR 49800: Adv Furn Des For CNC ManufactFNR 49800: Tree Sensing And PositioningFNR 49800: Lake Michigan Aquatic ResearchFNR 49800: Adv Sustainable Furn CNC MfgFNR 49800: Deer Research & Data AnalysisFNR 49800: Ecotoxicology TeachingFNR 49800: Aquatic Community EcologyFNR 49800: Sustainable Marine AquaponicsFNR 49800: Furniture Product DevelopmentFNR 49800: Aerial Surveys ResearchFNR 49800: Independent Wildlife ResearchFNR 49800: Nature Wild Things Tchg AssistFNR 49800: Lake Michigan Aquatic Ecol ResFNR 49800: ABM AnalysisFNR 49800: Learning Taxidermy SpecialitieFNR 49800: White-tailed Deer ResearchFNR 49800: Fish ManagementFNR 49800: Otolith Microchemistry ExprmtFNR 49800: Appl Digital Forestry MethodsFNR 49800: Fish EcologyFNR 49800: Intro AI In Forest ResearchFNR 49800: Great Lakes Science IssuesFNR 49800: Spatial Ecology & GISFNR 49800: Intro Research Nat ResourcesFNR 49800: Soc Entrepreneurlsm Ag/Nr SemrFNR 49800: Career Plan Natrl ResrFNR 49800: Introduction To SilvicultureFNR 49800: Optimize TWS Mtg AttendanceFNR 49800: Ecological Sensors And DataFNR 49800: Aquatics Sampling TechniqueFNR 49800: Spatial EcologyFNR 49800: Princ Of SilvicultureFNR 49800: Forest Tree ImprovemenFNR 49800: Envirnmtl Justice Struc RacismFNR 49900: ThesisFNR 50600: Theory And Application Of Natural Resource Extension ProgrammingFNR 52700: EcotoxicologyFNR 52800: Wildlife And Environmental ForensicsFNR 52900: Disease EcologyFNR 53500: Forest RegenerationFNR 53600: Ecology Of DisturbanceFNR 53601: Ecology Of Disturbance PracticumFNR 54300: Conservation Biology IFNR 55800: Remote Sensing Analysis And ApplicationsFNR 56700: Advanced MammalogyFNR 57000: Amphibian Ecology And ConservationFNR 57100: Advanced OrnithologyFNR 57400: Big Data, AI, And ForestsFNR 58000: Research Methods For Natural Resource Social ScienceFNR 58600: Urban EcologyFNR 59000: Introduction To Teaching In Natural ResourcesFNR 59100: Teaching In Natural Resources PracticumFNR 59800: Adv Fish & Marine Pop DynamicsFNR 59800: Adv Sustainable Wood Prod MfgFNR 59800: Advanced Quant Methods Res MgrFNR 59800: Cost Benefit Analysis Of EQIPFNR 59800: Grad Ecol Sensors And DataFNR 59800: Alcid Conserv & NomenclatureFNR 59800: Resampling North AmericaFNR 59800: Hardwood Innov & Value AddFNR 59800: Limnology Reading DiscussionFNR 59800: Meta-Analysis Forest DynamicsFNR 59800: Advanced Forest EcosystemsFNR 59800: Survey Design & Data AnalysisFNR 59800: Env Planning ResearchFNR 59800: Graduate Research PlanningFNR 59800: R For Geometric Raster CalcsFNR 59800: Applied Fisheries GeneticsFNR 59800: Advanced Properties Of WoodFNR 59800: Biochar Prod TechnologiesFNR 59800: Adv Wood Products DevelopmentFNR 59800: Adv Vertebrate Pop DynamicFNR 59800: Grad Population DynamicsFNR 59800: Resampling In AfricaFNR 59800: Teaching Nat ResourceFNR 59800: Hunting And ConservationFNR 59800: Territory Social MappingFNR 59800: Advanced CNC ManufacturingFNR 59800: HWC Mitigation DesignFNR 59800: Using R For GISFNR 59800: Competitive Research ProposalsFNR 59800: Matrix Model For IndianaFNR 59800: Biodiversity DB CompilationFNR 59800: Casual InferencesFNR 59800: Advanced AquaponicsFNR 59800: Indigenous Bayesian ViewsFNR 59800: Bayesian Stats For EcologistsFNR 59800: Introduction To R-BaseRFNR 59800: Wood Prdcts Mnfctrng ExtnsionFNR 59800: Oak Response To Rx FireFNR 59800: Introduction To GIS In RFNR 59800: Community Ecology And ModelingFNR 59800: Soundscape AnalyticsFNR 59800: International ExtensionFNR 59800: EcotoxicologyFNR 59800: Grad NR Info MgmtFNR 59800: Adv Sustainable Furn Cnc MfgFNR 59800: Grad Intro Teach Nat ResourcesFNR 59800: Data Mgmt Best Practices-IntroFNR 59800: Urban EcologyFNR 59800: Principle Of Soundscpe EcologyFNR 59800: Big Data, AI, And ForestsFNR 59800: Amphibian Ecol & ConservationFNR 59800: Consumptive Use And WildlifeFNR 59800: Big Data In Forest ResearchFNR 64700: Quantitative Methods For EcologistsFNR 65000: Individual-Based Ecology And ModellingFNR 67900: Forest Resources SeminarFNR 69100: Oral Exam PreparationFNR 69300: Individual Based Model&EcologyFNR 69800: Research MS ThesisFNR 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!