FR Courses

FR 10100: French Level IFR 10200: French Level IIFR 10500: Accelerated Basic FrenchFR 11200: Elementary French ConversationFR 20100: French Level IIIFR 20200: French Level IVFR 20500: Accelerated Intermediate FrenchFR 21200: Intermediate French ConversationFR 22400: Professional French IFR 24100: Introduction To The Study Of French LiteratureFR 30100: French Level VFR 30200: French Level VIFR 31200: Advanced French ConversationFR 32300: French For EngineeringFR 32400: Professional French IIFR 33000: French CinemaFR 38000: French Food CultureFR 38000: Le Sport FrançaisFR 39600: La Prononciation FrancaiseFR 39600: French Phonetics & PronunciatnFR 40100: French Level VIIFR 40200: French Level VIIIFR 41200: Advanced French Conversation IIFR 42400: Professional French IIIFR 44300: Introduction To Francophone LiteratureFR 48000: French CivilizationFR 49100: Undergraduate Tch AsstFR 49100: Gender- Just LanguageFR 49100: Undergrad Teaching AssistantFR 49100: French Tch AsstFR 49100: French Foreign PolicyFR 49100: Independent StudyFR 49100: Gender-Just Language In FrenchFR 51900: Teaching College FrenchFR 54900: French Literature And FilmFR 56300: History Of The French LanguageFR 56400: Introduction To Old FrenchFR 58100: French CultureFR 58200: Francophone CulturesFR 59000: Gender Rep In Francophone FilmFR 59400: French Caribbean LiteratureFR 59600: Ling Typology & Lang UnivrslsFR 59600: Theories-For Lang AcqFR 59600: Indo-Eur Language FamilyFR 59600: Heritage Language Acq & TchngFR 59600: Fundamentals Of MorphologyFR 59600: Morphological SystemsFR 59600: Intro To Corp Ling With PythonFR 59600: Language AcquisitionFR 59600: Acoustics Of SpeechFR 59600: TranslationFR 59600: Translation: Theory & PracticeFR 59600: Introduction To PragmaticsFR 63000: Bibliography And Literary CriticismFR 67900: Language And Code-SwitchingFR 67900: Vocabulary And Reading In SLAFR 67900: Individual Differences In SLAFR 67900: Complexity And FluencyFR 67900: Classroom SLAFR 69800: Research MA ThesisFR 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!