HIST Courses

HIST 10300: Introduction To The Medieval WorldHIST 10400: Introduction To The Modern WorldHIST 10500: Survey Of Global HistoryHIST 12300: History At WorkHIST 15100: American History To 1877HIST 15200: United States Since 1877HIST 20100: Anc Jud & Early ChristHIST 21000: The Making Of Modern AfricaHIST 22100: History Behind The HeadlinesHIST 23005: Hitler's EuropeHIST 23800: History Of Russia From Medieval Times To 1861HIST 23900: History Of Russia From 1861 To The PresentHIST 24000: East Asia And Its Historic TraditionHIST 24100: East Asia In The Modern WorldHIST 24300: South Asian History And CivilizationsHIST 24600: Modern Middle East And North AfricaHIST 25000: United States Relations With The Middle East And North AfricaHIST 27100: Introduction To Colonial Latin American History (1492-1810)HIST 27200: Introduction To Modern Latin American History (1810 To The Present)HIST 27800: Money, Trade, And Power: The History Of CapitalismHIST 28400: The Computer Age From Babbage To The BlockchainHIST 30000: Eve Of Destruction: Global Crises And World Organization In The 20th CenturyHIST 30200: Global 1960s RevolutionHIST 30200: American ColoniesHIST 30200: Bible & Early IntrpretHIST 30200: Intro Digital HumanitiesHIST 30200: Intro Jewish StudiesHIST 30200: AA Athletes & Problem Of RaceHIST 30200: Gandhi:Myth Real&PerspHIST 30200: Intro To Digital HumanitiesHIST 30200: Global Hist Theory & PracticeHIST 30200: Witchcraft& Magic In Euro HistHIST 30305: Food In Modern AmericaHIST 30400: America In The 1960sHIST 30505: The United States In The World 1898-PresentHIST 30605: Technology And War In U.S. HistoryHIST 30701: History Of Artificial Intelligence: Minds And MachinesHIST 30705: History Of Data: How Data Became BigHIST 30801: American EugenicsHIST 30805: History Of Life SciencesHIST 30902: History Of BiotechnologyHIST 31005: The Civil War And Reconstruction, 1850 To 1877HIST 31205: The Arab-Israeli ConflictHIST 31305: Medical Devices And InnovationHIST 31405: Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) And GenderHIST 31505: American BeautyHIST 31905: Christianity In The Global AgeHIST 32105: Spain: The First Global Empire, 1469-1713HIST 32300: German HistoryHIST 32501: Twentieth Century Europe Through AutobiographyHIST 33205: The Nuclear AgeHIST 33300: Science And Society In Western Civilization IHIST 33400: Science And Society In Western Civilization IIHIST 33505: Nationalism And Socialism In East Central EuropeHIST 33605: Global LGBTQ HistoryHIST 33700: Europe In The Age Of The Cold WarHIST 33805: History Of Human RightsHIST 33900: Traditional ChinaHIST 34000: Modern ChinaHIST 34300: Traditional JapanHIST 34400: History Of Modern JapanHIST 34505: Arabs in American EyesHIST 34705: History Of Religion In AmericaHIST 35100: The Second World WarHIST 35205: Death, Disease And Medicine In Twentieth Century American HistoryHIST 35305: Sports In AmericaHIST 35500: History Of American Military AffairsHIST 35900: Gender In East Asian HistoryHIST 36305: The History Of Medicine And Public HealthHIST 36405: Patient Voices In The History Of MedicineHIST 37005: Queens And Empresses In Early Modern EuropeHIST 37100: Society, Culture, And Rock And RollHIST 37200: History Of The American WestHIST 37500: Women In America Since 1870HIST 37600: History Of IndianaHIST 37700: History And Culture Of Native AmericaHIST 38001: History Of United States AgricultureHIST 38200: American Constitutional HistoryHIST 38300: Recent American Constitutional HistoryHIST 38400: History Of AviationHIST 38605: Land Of The Indians: Native Americans In IndianaHIST 38700: History Of The Space AgeHIST 39200: Caribbean History And CultureHIST 39400: Environmental History Of The United StatesHIST 39500: Purdue Changemakers:1940-2000HIST 39500: Roots Of The Climate CrisisHIST 39500: America In The 1980sHIST 39500: Human RightsHIST 39500: Occup Eur Nazis In ArchivesHIST 39500: Purdue's Formosa ProjectHIST 39500: Nrthn Indian Removal 1783-1850HIST 39500: Sex, Race, & ScienceHIST 39500: Native American CrossroadsHIST 39500: Childhood And YouthHIST 39500: Religion On The MoveHIST 39500: Apollo US Explores The MoonHIST 39500: Capitalism&Democracy Erly AmerHIST 39500: Occupied EuropeHIST 39500: Spanish Habsburgs (1500-1700)HIST 39500: Northern Indian RemovalHIST 39500: Famine In World HistoryHIST 39500: American Enviromental HistHIST 39500: Policing & Criminality US HistHIST 39600: African American History To 1877HIST 39800: The Afro-American Since 1865HIST 39800: African American History Since 1877HIST 40000: Great Books And The Search For MeaningHIST 40300: Europe In The ReformationHIST 40500: The French Revolution And NapoleonHIST 40600: Rebels And Romantics: Europe 1815-1870HIST 40700: Road To World War I: Europe 1870-1919HIST 40800: Dictatorship And Democracy: Europe 1919-1945HIST 41005: History Of The American PresidencyHIST 41300: Modern European Imperialism: Repression and ResistanceHIST 41300: Modern European Imperialism: Repression And ResistanceHIST 41505: Gender And Politics In Early Modern EuropeHIST 42100: Honors Historical MethodsHIST 42200: Honors Thesis In Historical ResearchHIST 42300: Divided Germany & The Cold WarHIST 42300: Germany & The First World WarHIST 43900: Communist ChinaHIST 44100: Africa In The Twentieth CenturyHIST 46100: The Revolutionary Era, 1763 To 1800HIST 46700: The Emergence Of Modern AmericaHIST 46800: Recent American HistoryHIST 46900: Black Civil Rights MovementHIST 47005: Women And Health In AmericaHIST 48005: Madness And The Asylum In The United StatesHIST 48500: Pol Polarization Mod AmericaHIST 48800: History Of Sexual Regulation In The United StatesHIST 49200: Sky Sand Sea Explrtion E AsiaHIST 49200: Modern Arab ThoughtHIST 49200: Pres COM In Election YrHIST 49500: Gender And World War IHIST 49500: World War I In The Middle EastHIST 49500: Material CultureHIST 49500: Race & Modern Civil RightsHIST 49500: Modern US Protest MovementsHIST 49500: Psychedelic PscyhiatryHIST 49500: Gender And WarHIST 49500: Race & Civil Rights MovmntHIST 49500: Psychedelic PsychiatryHIST 49500: Decolonization And AfterHIST 49500: Media & Pols In Modern AmericaHIST 49500: The Politics Of DecolonizationHIST 49500: 19th Century American WestHIST 49500: Writing The Age Of RevolutionsHIST 49500: Legal HistoryHIST 49500: Famine In World HistoryHIST 49500: Native American HistoryHIST 49900: History InternshipHIST 59000: US Foreign RelationsHIST 59000: Heritage Conservation In IndiaHIST 59000: Technologies Of SurveillanceHIST 59000: Immigration History ReadingsHIST 59000: Study Of Gender And SexualityHIST 59000: Madness In The AsylumHIST 59000: Teaching Global HistoryHIST 59000: Migration And LaborHIST 59000: Histories Of Precolonial IndiaHIST 59000: History Of Big DataHIST 59000: Technology & War In US HistoryHIST 59000: Americans In The WorldHIST 59000: Medieval Science And CultureHIST 59000: History Of The Soviet UnionHIST 59000: Carceral & Legal HistoriesHIST 59000: Romanian OrphanagesHIST 59000: Mapping Edith Wharton's TravelHIST 59000: Race Capital & ColonialismHIST 59000: Topics In Modern South AsiaHIST 59000: History Of Human RightsHIST 59000: Capitalism In FranceHIST 59000: Modern South AsiaHIST 59000: American EugenicsHIST 59000: US Women's HistoryHIST 59000: Women And Health In AmericaHIST 59000: History, Memory And NarrativesHIST 59000: German CapitalismHIST 59000: Islamic Culture/CivilizationHIST 59000: Arabs In American EyesHIST 59000: Law, Policing, And CarceralityHIST 59000: Transnational US HistoryHIST 59000: Global Economic HistoryHIST 59000: Global Refugee HistoryHIST 59000: Early Modern EnglandHIST 59000: Gilded Age US & MENAHIST 59000: Entering The Historic FieldHIST 59000: Directed Reading In HistoryHIST 59000: Modern Arab ThoughtHIST 59000: Comp Race, Ethnicity DifferHIST 59000: Central-Eastern European HistHIST 59000: South Asia Hist & CivHIST 59000: Readings US Social/Labor HistHIST 59000: Modern American Political HistHIST 59500: The Holocaust And GenocideHIST 60100: Spain, Europe & The WorldHIST 60100: Human RightsHIST 60100: Early Modern England & EuropeHIST 60100: Americans In The WorldHIST 60100: Early Modern EnglandHIST 60100: Humanities & Rise Of Higher EdHIST 60100: The Birth Of The AtlanticHIST 60100: Trans-Atlantic CapitalismHIST 60100: West African HistoryHIST 60100: History & NostalgiaHIST 60100: Eur &/In Early Mod & Mod WorldHIST 60200: Second Year Research SeminarHIST 61000: History: Theory And MethodsHIST 61100: History: Research PracticumHIST 64100: Americans In The WorldHIST 64100: Imperial CartographiesHIST 64100: Spain, Europe & The WorldHIST 64100: Trans-Atlantic CapitalismHIST 64100: Human RightsHIST 64100: History & NostalgiaHIST 64100: Global Environmental HistoryHIST 64100: West African HistoryHIST 64100: Global FeminismsHIST 64100: Interdisciplinary Global RdngsHIST 64100: Global Asias: Methods & CasesHIST 64100: Comparative & Global HistoryHIST 64100: Hist W/ Econ, Psych, Lit, ArtHIST 64100: Hist Of Sci & Tech In E AsiaHIST 64100: Adv Colloquium Hist ResearchHIST 64200: Age As A Category Of AnalysisHIST 64200: Second Year Research SeminarHIST 64200: Research Semnr In Gender HistHIST 65100: Science, Technology & SocietyHIST 65100: Americans In The WorldHIST 65100: Native American ReadingHIST 65100: Readings In American HistoryHIST 65100: Global Environmental HistoryHIST 65100: Revolutionary American HistoryHIST 65100: West African HistoryHIST 65100: Gender Sexuality &Body US HistHIST 65100: Readngs Af-Amer Hist In 20th CHIST 65100: New Directions Am Pol HistHIST 65100: African Amer Hist In 20th CenHIST 65100: Readings Native American HistHIST 65200: Second Year Research SeminarHIST 65200: Second Year US ResearchHIST 68000: Entering The History ProfessionHIST 69800: Research MA ThesisHIST 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!