HK Courses
HK 10000: Foundations Of Kinesiology
HK 10100: Clinical Practice in Athletic Training
HK 13500: Introduction To Health And Kinesiology
HK 20100: Clinical Practice In Athletic Training
HK 20800: Prevention And Treatment Of Athletic Injuries
HK 21300: Clinical Field Experience In Health And Fitness
HK 21500: Basic Public Health Studies
HK 22100: Foundations For The Fitness Professional
HK 22200: Foundations For The Health And Fitness Professional
HK 25300: Principles Of Motor Development
HK 25800: Foundations Of Motor Skill Learning
HK 26100: Applied Anatomy And Kinesiology
HK 26300: Biomechanical Foundations Of Motor Skills
HK 26900: Career Development And Preparation For The Health And Fitness Fields
HK 28500: Fieldwork In Athletic Training
HK 28600: Fieldwork In Athletic Training
HK 28700: Fieldwork In Athletic Training
HK 30100: Clinical Practice In Athletic Training
HK 30200: Applied Clinical Anatomy
HK 30300: Athletic Training Modalities
HK 30400: Therapeutic Exercise
HK 30500: Injury Assessment I
HK 30600: Injury Assessment II
HK 30700: Injury Assessment III
HK 30800: Athletic Health Care
HK 31300: Clinical Field Experience In Healthcare
HK 31800: Strength And Conditioning And Exercise Instruction Across The Lifespan
HK 32000: Health Education In Elementary Schools
HK 32200: Physical Education In The Elementary School
HK 32500: Instructional Skills For Kinesiology
HK 32600: Foundations Of Adapted Physical Education
HK 32700: Introduction To Sports Management
HK 32800: Business Of Professional Sports
HK 33100: Developmentally Appropriate Physical Activity For Children
HK 36600: Health Behavior And Health Promotion
HK 36800: Exercise Physiology I
HK 37200: Sport And Exercise Psychology I
HK 37600: History Of Sport
HK 39699: Professional Practice Internship
HK 40100: Clinical Practice In Athletic Training
HK 40500: Administration Of Athletic Training Programs
HK 40900: Seminar In Sports Medicine
HK 41100: Clinical Applications Of Health/Fitness Concepts III
HK 41500: Exercise As Medicine
HK 42100: Health Screening And Fitness Evaluation And Design
HK 42200: Basic Concepts In Exercise Program Design
HK 42400: Health And Fitness Program Management
HK 42700: Sports Marketing
HK 42800: Sports Facility And Event Management
HK 43500: Student Teaching Seminar
HK 44000: Human Diseases And Disorders
HK 44300: Neuroscience Of Movement
HK 44400: Balance Rehab In Older Adults
HK 44400: Motor Function In Older Adults
HK 44500: Principles Of Epidemiology
HK 45300: Motor Coordination And Development
HK 45800: Principles Of Motor Control And Learning
HK 46500: Research Methods
HK 46800: Advanced Exercise Physiology II
HK 46900: Exercise Testing And Prescription In Special Populations
HK 47200: Sport And Exercise Psychology II
HK 48500: Electrocardiography, Cardiovascular Disease And Exercise
HK 49000: Pract Exer And Musculoskel Fun
HK 49000: Global Perspectives Sports Med
HK 49000: Fieldwork In Athl Train – Clin
HK 49000: Fieldwork In Athl Train – Seco
HK 49000: Fieldwork In Athl Train
HK 49000: Field Exp Sport Performance IV
HK 49000: Fld Exp In Sport Perfrmnce III
HK 49000: Field Exp Sport Performance II
HK 49000: Field Exp Sport Performance I
HK 49000: Field Exp Sport PerformanceIII
HK 49000: Biomechanics In Sports & Rehab
HK 49000: The Science Of Baseball
HK 49000: Sports Marketing
HK 49000: Clin Prac AT Lead
HK 49000: Clin Prac At Lead
HK 49000: Fund Of Sports Performance
HK 49000: Teach Asst Motor
HK 49000: Lifestyle Medicine
HK 49000: Measurs Analyzing Basebll Perf
HK 49000: Exercise As Medicine
HK 49000: Business Of Professional Sport
HK 49000: Intro To Sports Management
HK 49000: Determinants Of Human Perfrmnc
HK 49000: Teach Balance Rehab
HK 49000: Sport Nutrition For Basketball
HK 49000: Intro Teaching Clin Anatomy
HK 49000: Sport/Exrcise Psychophysiology
HK 49000: Intro Sport Economics & Financ
HK 49000: Teach Motor Learn & Cntrl
HK 49000: Fundamentals Of Sports Perform
HK 49000: Sport Economics And Finance
HK 49000: Sport Facility And Event Mgmt
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cogn I
HK 49100: Balance & Mobility Resrch I
HK 49100: SkM & Vascular Crosstalk II
HK 49100: Balance & Mobility Resrch III
HK 49100: Heat Therapy & Aging I
HK 49100: Physiology Oxygn Transport II
HK 49100: Quantify Trips & Falls
HK 49100: SKM Adapt To Heat Therapy
HK 49100: Physiology Oxygn Transport III
HK 49100: Physiology Oxygen Trnsprt III
HK 49100: Neural Control Circulation II
HK 49100: SkM & Vascular Crosstalk
HK 49100: Phys Activity & Cognition III
HK 49100: Physiology Of Oxygen Trnsprt I
HK 49100: Heat Therapy And Aging
HK 49100: Physlogy Of Oxygen Trnsprt III
HK 49100: Heat Therapy & Aging III
HK 49100: Neural Control Circulation I
HK 49100: Physical Actvty Cognition II
HK 49100: SkM & Vascular Crosstalk I
HK 49100: SkM & Vascular Crosstalk III
HK 49100: Physiology Of Oxygen Transport
HK 49100: Physilgy Of Oxygen Trnsprt II
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cognition
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cogn V
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cogn IV
HK 49100: Neural Control Circulation III
HK 49100: SkM & Vascular Crosstalk IV
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cogn III
HK 49100: Physical Activity & Cogn II
HK 49100: Balance & Mobility Resrch II
HK 49100: Heat Therapy & Aging II
HK 49100: Physiology Oxygen Trnsprt II
HK 49100: Vaso Myo Crosstalk
HK 49100: Movement Science Research II
HK 49100: Research In Kinesiology
HK 49100: Motor Dev Research IV
HK 49100: Movement Science Research
HK 49100: Motor Dev Research II
HK 49100: Methods In Tendon Research II
HK 49100: Motor Dev Research V
HK 49100: Movement Science Research I
HK 49100: Movement Science Research IV
HK 49100: Motor Control Research I
HK 49100: Movement Science Research V
HK 49100: Methods In Tendon Research III
HK 49100: Methods In Tendon Research I
HK 49100: Human Motor Control Research I
HK 49100: Balance & Mobility Research I
HK 49100: Human Motor Control Research
HK 49100: Methods In Tendon Research IV
HK 49100: Movement Science Research III
HK 49100: Motor Dev Research III
HK 49100: Balance & Mobility Research II
HK 49100: Motor Dev Research I
HK 49200: Professional Work Experience IV
HK 49201: Internship For Exercise And Health
HK 49600: Mentored Research In Kinesiology
HK 49602: Mentored Research In Public Health
HK 50000: Introduction To Athletic Training Practice
HK 50600: Evidence Based Practice In Athletic Training
HK 51000: Introduction To The Quantitative Methods Of Public Health
HK 51500: Emergency Medical Management In Athletic Training
HK 52000: Evaluation And Management Of The Lower Quarter
HK 53000: Evaluation And Management Of The Upper Quarter
HK 53200: Musculoskeletal Adaptations
HK 53500: Athletic Training Interventions
HK 53600: Cardiopulmonary Physiology
HK 54000: Evaluation And Management Of The Spine And Head
HK 54100: Athletic Training Practicum I
HK 54200: Athletic Training Practicum II
HK 54500: Therapeutic Modalities
HK 55000: Evaluation And Management Of Medical Conditions
HK 57400: Advanced Exercise Psychology
HK 57601: Theoretical Foundations Of Health Behavior
HK 58300: Patient Care Simulation In Athletic Training I
HK 59000: Lifestyle Medicine
HK 59000: Clin Assmt & Pract Skills
HK 59000: Advanced Exercise Rx
HK 59000: Health Coaching Practicum
HK 59000: Advanced Health Coaching
HK 59000: Principles Of Health Coaching
HK 59000: Infant Motor Skills In Homes
HK 59000: VasoMyo Crosstalk II
HK 59000: Appl Of Evidence-Based Pract
HK 59000: Menstr Cycle Gait & Balance
HK 59000: Research CKD, MRI Older Adult
HK 59000: Neural Control Of Circulation
HK 59000: AR And Balance For Older Adult
HK 59000: Adv Neuroscience Of Movement
HK 59000: Outdoor Walking Adaptations
HK 59000: Strength & Cond Ex Inst Ldshp
HK 59000: VasoMyo Crosstalk & EV Studies
HK 59000: Sport And Exer Psychophiology
HK 59000: VasoMyo Crosstalk I
HK 59000: Sport Performance Field Wk Exp
HK 59000: Graduate Research Methods
HK 59000: Neuroscience Of Mvmnt Disordrs
HK 59000: Cardiopulmonary Physiology
HK 59000: Clinical Practice & Research
HK 59000: Scientifc Writing & Presentatn
HK 59000: Phys Activity Life Course
HK 59000: Physical Activity & Cognition
HK 59000: Event Management & Operations
HK 59000: Skeletal Muscle Oxygen Trnsprt
HK 59000: Statistical Mthd For PH Eval
HK 59000: Motor Cog & Perceptual Dev
HK 59000: MATLAB For Behavior Scientists
HK 59000: ECG And Exercise
HK 59000: Phys Actvty Across Life Course
HK 59000: Environment CardioResp Ex Phys
HK 59000: Skeletal Muscle Oxygn Transprt
HK 59000: College Sport History
HK 59000: Biomechanics In Sports & Rehab
HK 59000: Musculoskeletal Adaptations
HK 59000: Pub Hlth Program & Policy Eval
HK 59000: Adv Interventions Sports Med
HK 59000: Sport In Amer Culture
HK 59000: Health Coaching Fundamentals
HK 59000: Cancer In Public Health
HK 59000: Health Counseling
HK 59000: Phys Activity & Public Health
HK 59000: Res & Grant Development In HK
HK 60000: Graduate Capstone Experience
HK 60000: EIMOC Program Development
HK 60000: Review Of Anly Tools In Vball
HK 60100: HK PhD Seminar
HK 64000: Leadership In Athletic Training
HK 64100: Athletic Training Practicum IV
HK 64200: Athletic Training Practicum V
HK 65000: Seminar In Athletic Training
HK 66000: Diagnostic Imaging In Athletic Training
HK 66800: Seminar In Exercise Physiology
HK 67000: Advanced Semnr In Kinesiology
HK 67000: Adv Topics In Kinesiology
HK 67500: Design And Analysis Of Public Health Interventions
HK 68300: Patient Care Simulation In Athletic Training II
HK 69000: Neural Control Of Circulation
HK 69000: Extracellular Vesicles & Aging
HK 69000: Motor Cog & Perceptual Dev
HK 69000: Neuroscience Of Mvmnt Disordrs
HK 69800: Research MS Thesis
HK 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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