IE Courses
IE 20000: Industrial Engineering Seminar
IE 23000: Probability And Statistics In Engineering I
IE 29199: Cooperative Experience I
IE 29299: Cooperative Experience II
IE 33000: Probability And Statistics In Engineering II
IE 33200: Computing In Industrial Engineering
IE 33500: Operations Research
IE 33600: Operations Research
IE 34300: Engineering Economics
IE 37000: Manufacturing Processes I
IE 38199: Professional Practice Co-Op I
IE 38299: Professional Practice Co-Op II
IE 38300: Integrated Production Systems I
IE 38399: Professional Practice Co-Op III
IE 38600: Work Analysis And Design I
IE 39399: Cooperative Experience III
IE 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
IE 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
IE 39699: Professional Practice Internship
IE 43100: Industrial Engineering Design
IE 47000: Manufacturing Processes II
IE 47200: Imagine, Model, Make
IE 47400: Industrial Control Systems
IE 48100: Introduction To System Simulation
IE 48400: Integrated Production Systems II
IE 48600: Work Analysis And Design II
IE 49000: Tool Path Planning For Robot
IE 49000: Neurodiverse Human Performance
IE 49000: Self Powered Wearable Sensors
IE 49000: Laser Induced Graphene Sensors
IE 49000: Public Health Analytics
IE 49000: Upcycled Wearable Sensors
IE 49000: Cyber-Collaborative Systems
IE 49000: Human Factors In Healthcare
IE 49000: Advanced Robotics Research
IE 49000: TENG For Health Monitoring
IE 49000: 3D Printing Smart Textiles
IE 49000: Nanomanufact Of Biomaterials
IE 49000: Application Of Te-Based FNIRS
IE 49000: Human Factors Research III
IE 49000: 3D Printing Flexible Robots
IE 49000: AI Wearable Sensors
IE 49000: Human Factors Research
IE 49000: Transportation Accessibility
IE 49000: Machine Learning For HF
IE 49000: Injury Prevention Smart Sensor
IE 49000: Closed Loop System In RAS
IE 49000: Humanitarian SCM
IE 49000: TENG Sensors Health Monitoring
IE 49000: Smart Digital Twin
IE 49000: TENG Health Monitoring
IE 49000: 3D Printing E-Textiles
IE 49000: Success/Failure Of Global BSSs
IE 49000: TENGs For Ergonomic Hazards
IE 49000: Brain Fingerprinting
IE 49000: Speech Recognition In Sensors
IE 49000: Advanced Robotics Research II
IE 49000: Realtime Meltdown Prediction
IE 49000: Tellurene Based Biosensors
IE 49000: Racing Analytics III
IE 49000: Racing Analytics II
IE 49000: Stretchable Electronics
IE 49000: Speech Recog Through Sensors
IE 49000: Wearable Sensor: Recov Trcking
IE 49000: Resilience In Semiconductor SC
IE 49000: Software For Human Factors
IE 49000: Wearable Tellurium Based NID
IE 49000: Human Factors & Team Performnc
IE 49000: Wear Echem Sens Human Health
IE 49000: Performance Tracking Sensor
IE 49000: Laser-Induced Graphene
IE 49000: Ergonomic Posture Monitoring
IE 49000: Health Monitoring-Sweat Sensor
IE 49000: Human Factors Engineering
IE 49000: Predict Team Performance
IE 49000: Haptic Robot Research
IE 49000: Smart Wearable Activity Trckr
IE 49000: Meltdown Prediction Device
IE 49000: Wearable Te Based FNIRS
IE 49000: Workplace Injury Prevention
IE 49000: Purdue Soccer Data Analytics
IE 49000: Human Factors And Applied ML
IE 49000: Recurrence Quantifications
IE 49000: Squeeze Printing Metal Oxides
IE 49000: Carbon Debt Of AVs
IE 49000: Speech Recognition
IE 49000: Te-Photodetector Advancement
IE 49000: Speech Recognition Via Sensors
IE 49000: Wearable Tellerium Spectroscop
IE 49000: Data Analytics For Aviation
IE 49000: Soft Electromagnetic Actuators
IE 49000: Haptic Device Development
IE 49000: Speech Recognition With Sensor
IE 49000: EV Adoption: A ML Approach
IE 49000: Triboelectric Nano Sensors
IE 49000: Triboelectric Nano Sensors For
IE 49000: Human Factors In Healtcare
IE 49000: Enhancing FNIRS Device
IE 49000: Wearable Sensors For Performan
IE 49000: AI In Human Factors
IE 49000: Healthcare Monitoring
IE 49000: Soft Robotics
IE 49000: Simulation For Human Factors
IE 49000: Enhancing FNIRS With Tellurium
IE 49000: Non-Technical Skills In The OR
IE 49000: My Undergraduate Research
IE 49000: Undergraduate Research
IE 49000: Intro Machine Learning & Apps
IE 49000: Supply Chain Engineering
IE 49000: Project Management
IE 49000: Machine Learning
IE 49000: Computational Human Factors
IE 49000: Financial Engineering
IE 49000: Grnd Challngs In Accessibility
IE 49000: Data Mining In IE Research
IE 49000: IE Und-grad Research Proposal
IE 49000: Semiconductors & IE
IE 49900: Advanced Drone-Based Additi
IE 49900: Health Disparity
IE 49900: Simulation In Human Factors
IE 49900: Human Factors Research III
IE 52500: Healthcare Delivery Systems
IE 53000: Quality Control
IE 53200: Reliability
IE 53300: Industrial Applications Of Statistics
IE 53500: Linear Programming
IE 53600: Stochastic Models In Operations Research I
IE 53700: Discrete Optimization Models And Algorithms
IE 53800: Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms And Models
IE 54100: Nature-Inspired Computation
IE 54500: Engineering Economic Analysis
IE 54600: Economic Decisions In Engineering
IE 54900: Machine Vision In Intelligent Robotic Systems
IE 55600: Job Design
IE 55800: Safety Engineering
IE 55900: Cognitive Engineering Of Interactive Software
IE 56100: Introduction To Convex Optimization
IE 57000: Manufacturing Process Engineering
IE 57400: Industrial Robotics And Flexible Assembly
IE 57700: Human Factors In Engineering
IE 57800: Applied Ergonomics
IE 57900: Design And Control Of Production And Manufacturing Systems
IE 58000: Systems Simulation
IE 58100: Simulation Design And Analysis
IE 58200: Advanced Facilities Design
IE 58800: e-Work And e-Service
IE 59000: Human Factor & Medical Devices
IE 59000: Quality Systems Management
IE 59000: Design Lean Six Sigma Blk Belt
IE 59000: PMP Industry Capstone Project
IE 59000: PMP Capstone Project
IE 59000: Software In Human Factors
IE 59000: Research In Human Factors
IE 59000: PMP
IE 59000: Robotics With Tactile Sensing
IE 59000: Data And AI In Human Factors
IE 59000: ICON MS Robotic System Design
IE 59000: Risk And Resilience
IE 59000: Human Factors Research
IE 59000: Supply Chain Analysis
IE 59000: Human Factors Of UI/UX Design
IE 59000: PMP Independent Research/Study
IE 59000: Extended Reality Task Context
IE 59000: Human Factors In VR II
IE 59000: Automation Engineering I
IE 59000: Exploring Business In Peru
IE 59000: Optimization Algorithms
IE 59000: Adv Manufacturing Processes
IE 59000: Risk Analysis Methods And Apps
IE 59000: Urban Mobility Optimization
IE 59000: Mach Learning And Its Apps
IE 59000: Complex Systms: Theory& Apps
IE 59000: Deep Learning In Mach Vision
IE 59000: Quantum Machine Learning
IE 59000: Assistive Technology Practice
IE 59000: Predictive Modeling
IE 59000: Nanomanufacturing
IE 59000: Supply Chain Engr & Analytics
IE 59000: Special Tpcs In Machine Vision
IE 59000: Policy Analysis Climate Change
IE 59000: Project Management
IE 59000: PMP Capstone Prof Dev
IE 59000: PMP Capstone Proj Preparation
IE 59000: Human Fctrs Of Gerontechnology
IE 59000: Introduction To Optimization
IE 59000: Dgtl Transform In Indust Bus
IE 59000: Electromechanical Robotic Sys
IE 59000: Nature-Inspired Computation
IE 59000: Stochastic Networks
IE 59000: Aerospace Human Factors
IE 59000: Risk Anlytcs Eng Mgt Pub Plcy
IE 59000: Information Engineering
IE 59000: Topics In Matl Process & Mfg
IE 63000: Multiple Objective Optimization
IE 63200: Scheduling Models
IE 63300: Dynamic Programming
IE 63500: Theoretical Foundations Of Optimization
IE 64600: Advanced Decision Theory
IE 65600: Research Seminar In Human Factors
IE 65600: Human Sys Dynamics & Responses
IE 65900: Human Aspects In Computing
IE 67000: Adv Topics In Mfg Engineering
IE 67000: Adv Topics In Mnfg Engineering
IE 67000: Adv Topics Nanomfg & Nanodev
IE 67000: Advanced Manufacturing
IE 67000: Scalable Manufacturing
IE 67400: Computer And Communication Methods For Production Control
IE 67400: Cyber Methods For Advanced Production Control
IE 69000: Grad Prof Dev Seminar
IE 69000: AI In Healthcare
IE 69000: Human Factors In Healthcare
IE 69000: Research Assistant In Lab
IE 69000: Adv Tpcs Nano-Mfg & Nanodvcs
IE 69000: Deep Uncertainty
IE 69000: Modern Methds For Network Data
IE 69000: Stochastic Network Analysis
IE 69000: Modern Algs For Contin Optim
IE 69000: Appl Prob For Machine Learning
IE 69000: Computational Epidemiology
IE 69000: Mathematics Of Data Science
IE 69000: Distributed Control
IE 69000: Optimization & Game Theory
IE 69000: Gesture & Bodial Interactn Sys
IE 69000: Large-Scale Optimization
IE 69000: Infrastructure Planning & Mgmt
IE 69000: Sensing Approaches For HF Res
IE 69000: Simulation Optimization
IE 69000: Fundls Of Reinforcement Learn
IE 69000: System Dynamics
IE 69000: Opt Game Theory Uncertainty
IE 69000: Reinforcement Learn & Control
IE 69000: Stoch Approx & Reinforce Learn
IE 69000: Graduate Research Seminar
IE 69600: Graduate Professional Practice
IE 69700: Seminar
IE 69800: Research MS Thesis
IE 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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