LC Courses

LC 10100: Elm Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian ILC 10100: Romanian I, IntroductoryLC 10100: Intro To Quechua ILC 10100: Catalan Spkrs Romance Langs ILC 10100: Elementary PolishLC 10100: Elementary Tamil 101LC 10100: Quechua Level ILC 10100: Korean Level ILC 10200: Romanian IILC 10200: Elementary Polish IILC 10200: Intro Quechua IILC 10200: Elementary TamilLC 10200: Quechua IILC 10200: Elem Bosnian/Crot/Serb IILC 20100: Understanding KoreaLC 20100: Korean Level IIILC 20200: Quechua IV- Intermdt QuechuaLC 23000: World Lit To 1700 A DLC 23000: Arabic CultureLC 23000: Intro To Islamic Civ & CulLC 23000: World Lit 1700 To NowLC 23000: Arabic Lit In TranslationLC 23100: Fairytale, Folktale, FableLC 23500: East Asian Literature In TranslationLC 23700: Our Common Bond: Languages And Cultures In A Global ContextLC 23900: Women Writers In TranslationLC 26100: Introduction To The Linguistic Study Of Foreign LanguagesLC 26300: Introduction To Computational LinguisticsLC 28000: Intro To Global CuisinesLC 28000: Computational LinguisticsLC 28000: Middle Eastern Food & CultureLC 28000: Food Cultr In Germn Lang LandsLC 28100: Introduction To World Food CulturesLC 30000: World Literature Through The Photographic LensLC 33200: Global Horror CinemaLC 33300: The Middle Ages On FilmLC 33800: Language Through FilmsLC 36100: Sound And Form In LanguageLC 36800: Sociolinguistic Study Of African American EnglishLC 37100: Phonetics Of Foreign LanguagesLC 47500: Theories Of Teaching World LanguagesLC 49000: SLC InternshipLC 49000: Jewish CinemaLC 49000: Undergrd Spanish Ind StudyLC 49000: Language Research And AILC 49000: Tolstoy And His AgeLC 49000: SPANHumanitiesEngineerProjectsLC 49000: Forensic LinguisticsLC 49000: The Cultures Of FascismLC 49000: Language & SocietyLC 49000: Cold War Cultures In KoreaLC 49000: Adv+ Spanish ConversationsLC 49000: The Hispanic WorldLC 49000: Intro Jewish StudiesLC 49000: Advanced SwahiliLC 49000: SPANHumanitiesEngineeringProjLC 49000: HumanitiesEngineering ProjectsLC 49000: Quechua VILC 49000: Chekhov And His TimeLC 49000: ENGLHumanitiesEngineeringProjLC 49000: Language Learning And AILC 49000: Reading Scandinavian LangLC 49000: Bible & Early IntrpretLC 49000: Quechua V Advanced QuechuaLC 49900: Research In Foreign LanguagesLC 49900: Humanities Pedagogy ResearchLC 49900: Systematic Review ResearchLC 51900: Teaching Of Foreign LanguagesLC 56300: Historical LinguisticsLC 56500: SociolinguisticsLC 57000: Introduction To SemioticsLC 57300: Methods Of Experimental Research In LinguisticsLC 57500: Theories Of Foreign Language AcquisitionLC 59000: New Approach In Qual ResearchLC 59000: Directed Reading In Foreign LanguagesLC 59300: Don Quixote And CervantesLC 59300: Approaches To NarrativeLC 59300: Stephen King's Short StoriesLC 59300: Modern Arab ThoughtLC 59300: Theory Of CreativityLC 59300: Borders And BorderlandsLC 59300: Cosmo Postcol EnvironmentalistLC 59600: Morphological SystemsLC 59600: Vocab&Reading SLALC 59600: Intro Corpus LingLC 59600: Introduction To PragmaticsLC 59600: Statistical Mdling For Ling IILC 59600: Heritage Lang Acq And TeachingLC 59600: Acoustics Of SpeechLC 59600: Language AcquisitionLC 59600: Statistical Modeling For LingLC 59600: Intro Speech TechnologyLC 59600: Heritage Language Acq & TchngLC 59600: Intro To Corp Ling With PythonLC 59600: Ling Typology & Lang UnivrslsLC 59600: Historical Dvlpmt Russ LangLC 59600: Reading Scandinavian LangLC 59600: Research MethodsLC 59600: History Of Russian LangLC 59600: Fundamentals Of MorphologyLC 59600: Indo-Eur Language FamilyLC 59600: Teaching LinguisticsLC 63000: Comparative Literature: Function And MethodsLC 65000: Ekphrasis And Visual TheoryLC 67900: Vocabulary And Reading In SLALC 67900: Individual Differences In SLALC 67900: Language And Code-SwitchingLC 67900: Classroom SLALC 67900: Complexity And FluencyLC 69800: Research MA ThesisLC 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!