MET Courses

MET 10200: Production Design And SpecificationsMET 11100: Applied StaticsMET 11300: Mechanics ApplicationsMET 14300: Materials And Processes IMET 14400: Materials And Processes IIMET 16400: Computing In Engineering TechnologyMET 21100: Applied Strength Of MaterialsMET 21102: Applied Strength Materials LabMET 21300: DynamicsMET 22000: Heat And PowerMET 22010: Heat-Power LaboratoryMET 23000: Fluid PowerMET 24500: Manufacturing SystemsMET 28400: Introduction To Industrial ControlsMET 29000: Digital ALDMET 30200: CAD In The EnterpriseMET 31300: Applied Fluid MechanicsMET 31400: Applications Of Machine ElementsMET 31500: Applied Mechanism Kinematics And DynamicsMET 31601: Mechanics Of Machine DesignMET 31700: Machine DiagnosticsMET 31800: Applied Room AcousticsMET 32000: Applied ThermodynamicsMET 33400: Advanced Fluid PowerMET 34600: Advanced Materials In ManufacturingMET 34900: Stringed Instrument Design And ManufactureMET 38200: Controls And Instrumentation For AutomationMET 39200: Laboratory Assistant In Engineering TechnologyMET 39200: Predictive Analytics ELI ProjMET 39200: Undergraduate Lab AssistantMET 39200: Gait Rehab Sim IIMET 39200: HIRoLab Undergraduate ResearchMET 39200: Binder Jetting 3D PrinterMET 39200: Undergraduate Assistant At HiRMET 40100: Capstone Projects IMET 40200: Capstone Projects IIMET 41100: Introduction To The Finite Element MethodMET 42100: Air Conditioning And RefrigerationMET 42200: Power Plants And Energy ConversionMET 42600: Internal Combustion EnginesMET 43200: Hydraulic Motion Control SystemsMET 43600: Pneumatic Motion Control SystemsMET 44400: Applied MetallurgyMET 44500: Applied MetalcastingMET 44500: Applied Projects In MetalcastingMET 45100: Manufacturing Quality ControlMET 45200: Advanced GD&T Concepts Applied To Product QualityMET 48200: MechatronicsMET 49000: Applied AcousticsMET 49000: Aerospace TechnologyMET 49000: Applied Projects In MetalCastMET 49000: Advanced GD&T And CMM TrainingMET 49900: NDT Aircraft RobotMET 49900: AIRpen DfManufacturingMET 49900: Gait Rehab Sim IIIMET 49900: Injection Molding IIMET 49900: Gait Rehab Sim IVMET 49900: Heat Sink DesignMET 49900: Hydraulic Drive VEH IIMET 49900: Mechanical Engineering TechnologyMET 50300: Applied OptimizationMET 52700: Technology From A Global PerspectiveMET 53000: Facilities Engineering TechnologyMET 53500: Optimization Of Metalcasting DesignMET 58100: Applied MetallurgyMET 58100: Time Series ML AnalyticsMET 58100: Welding EngineeringMET 58100: Dsgn Net Zero Residential BldMET 58100: Digital FabricationMET 58100: Applied Computational MethodsMET 58100: Welding Technology For Mfg/AgMET 59000: Agile Strat & Collab LdshipMET 59000: Optimizing Resonant FrequencyMET 59000: Inverted Pendulum DesignMET 59000: CompliantMechanism AssesstmentMET 59000: Composite Analysis And CompMET 59000: Analysis Of Student MotivationMET 59000: Dig Prototype For Self MaintMET 59000: Heat Sink DesignMET 59000: CM With Visual Force FeedbackMET 59000: Force Feedback For CMMET 59000: UX For Educational ModulesMET 59000: Analysis Of Li-Ion CellsMET 59000: Dev Of Finger ExoskeletonMET 59000: Digital Asset FingerprintingMET 59000: Gait Rehab Sim VMET 59000: Special Problems In Mechanical Engineering TechnologyMET 59000: Dev Of Modules For METMET 59000: Special Problems In METMET 59800: Directed MS ProjectMET 69800: Research MS Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!