NS Courses
NS 11000: Introduction To Naval Science
NS 20200: Naval Science Laboratory
NS 21200: Naval Weapons Systems
NS 21200: Naval Ships Systems II (Weapons)
NS 21300: Sea Power And Maritime Affairs
NS 21400: Fundamentals Of Leadership
NS 21400: Naval Leadership And Management
NS 31000: Navigation
NS 31000: Naval Navigation
NS 31100: Naval Operations
NS 31100: Naval Operations And Seamanship
NS 33000: Evolution Of Warfare
NS 35000: Naval Ship Systems
NS 35000: Naval Ship Systems-Engineering
NS 41300: Naval Leadership, Management, And Ethics
NS 41300: Naval Leadership And Ethics
NS 44000: Fundamentals Of Maneuver Warfare
NS 44000: Amphibious Warfare And Leadership
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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