NUCL Courses
NUCL 11000: Introduction To Energy Engineering
NUCL 12000: Freshman Research Project
NUCL 20000: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 20500: Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory I
NUCL 27300: Mechanics Of Materials
NUCL 29199: Cooperative Experience I
NUCL 29299: Cooperative Experience II
NUCL 29800: Sophomore Seminar
NUCL 30000: Nuclear Structure And Radiation Interactions
NUCL 30500: Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory II
NUCL 31000: Introduction To Neutron Physics
NUCL 32000: Introduction To Materials For Nuclear Applications
NUCL 32500: Nuclear Materials Laboratory
NUCL 35000: Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics I
NUCL 35100: Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics II
NUCL 35500: Nuclear Thermohydraulics Laboratory
NUCL 38199: Professional Practice Co-Op I
NUCL 38299: Professional Practice Co-Op II
NUCL 38399: Professional Practice Co-Op III
NUCL 39399: Cooperative Experience III
NUCL 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IV
NUCL 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience V
NUCL 39699: Professional Practice Internship
NUCL 39800: Junior Seminar
NUCL 40200: Engineering Of Nuclear Power Systems
NUCL 41000: Introduction To Reactor Theory And Applications
NUCL 42001: Radiation Interaction With Materials And Applications
NUCL 44900: Senior Design Proposal
NUCL 45000: Design In Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 46000: Introduction To Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
NUCL 47000: Fuel Cell Engineering
NUCL 48000: Nuclear Engineering Technical Communications
NUCL 49000: Independent Study In Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 49700: Selected Topics In Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 49700: Intro To Computational Physics
NUCL 49700: Intro To Nuclear Reactor Phys
NUCL 49700: Sim Nucl Reactor Phys
NUCL 49800: Senior Seminar
NUCL 50100: Nuclear Engineering Principles
NUCL 50200: Nuclear Engineering Systems
NUCL 50400: Nuclear Engineering Experiments
NUCL 51000: Nuclear Reactor Theory I
NUCL 51100: Reactor Theory And Kinetics
NUCL 52000: Radiation Effects And Reactor Materials
NUCL 55100: Mass, Momentum, And Energy Transfer In Energy Systems
NUCL 55200: Thermal-Hydraulics And Reactor Safety
NUCL 55300: Nano-Macro Scale Applications Of Nuclear Technology
NUCL 56000: Introduction To Fusion Technology
NUCL 56300: Direct Energy Conversion
NUCL 57000: Fuzzy Approaches In Engineering
NUCL 57500: Neural Computing In Engineering
NUCL 59000: Independent Study In Nuclear Engineering I
NUCL 59700: Engr Math Using Mathematica
NUCL 59700: Nuclear Power&Nonproliferation
NUCL 59700: Manuf & Mater For Nuclear
NUCL 59700: Nuclear Security Systems
NUCL 59700: Introduction To Bioelectrics
NUCL 59700: Beam Target Interactions
NUCL 59700: Big Data & Machine Learn Engr
NUCL 61000: Nuclear Reactor Theory II
NUCL 62000: Advanced Topics In Radiation Damage
NUCL 65000: Thermal Hydraulics For Nuclear Reactor Safety
NUCL 65500: Two-Phase Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications
NUCL 66000: Magnetic Confinement Fusion
NUCL 66100: Inertial Confinement Fusion Technology
NUCL 69600: Nuclear Engineering Seminar
NUCL 69700: Adv Tpc Reactor Sty II
NUCL 69700: Pulsed Pwr & Vacuum Electrncs
NUCL 69700: Adv Tpc Reac Therm-Hyd
NUCL 69700: Num Methods Nucl Reactor Simul
NUCL 69700: Num Methods Nucl Reactor Sim
NUCL 69800: Research MS Thesis
NUCL 69900: Research PhD Thesis
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for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
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