NUR Courses

NUR 10800: Introduction To NursingNUR 10900: Intro To Nursing II-HonorsNUR 10900: Introduction Nursing II-HonorsNUR 10900: Introduction To Nursing IINUR 21801: Health Assessment And Essentials Of Nursing Practice INUR 21901: Pathopharmacology INUR 22001: Essentials Of Nursing Practice IINUR 22101: Pathopharmocology IINUR 22201: Population HealthNUR 22301: Foundations Of Research And Evidence-Based PracticeNUR 22401: Nursing Practice Foundations I: Health AssessmentNUR 22501: Nursing Practice Foundations II: FundamentalsNUR 29199: Cooperative Experience INUR 29299: Cooperative Experience IINUR 31401: Health Alterations In Adults INUR 31501: Nursing Of Childbearing FamiliesNUR 31601: Integration Seminar INUR 31701: Health Alterations In Adults IINUR 31801: Psychiatric And Mental Health NursingNUR 31901: Integration Seminar IINUR 33001: Nursing Peer MentorsNUR 39399: Cooperative Experience IIINUR 39699: Professional Practice InternshipNUR 39900: Cancer Early Detect Promo RschNUR 39900: CODO Peer MentorsNUR 39900: Family Caregiving ResearchNUR 39900: EHealth ResearchNUR 39900: Early Pred Of Cardiac ArrestNUR 39900: Mental Hth Brstfeeding MothersNUR 39900: Vaccination Behavior ResearchNUR 39900: NCLEX-RN PreparationNUR 39900: Healthcare Past & PresentNUR 39900: Holistic Nursing Theory & PracNUR 39900: Wartime Influence On HlthcareNUR 39900: Nursing Peer MentorsNUR 39900: NCLEX ReviewNUR 39900: Hol NUR Student Tch AsstNUR 39900: Holistic Nur Theory & PracticeNUR 41001: Issu Professional Nurs-HonorsNUR 41001: Issues In Prof Nursing-HonorsNUR 41001: Issues In Professional NursingNUR 41401: Pediatric NursingNUR 41501: Public Health NursingNUR 41701: Leadership In NursingNUR 41901: Professional Nursing: Evolution As A Clinician And LeaderNUR 42001: Transition To Professional Nursing PracticeNUR 43001: NCLEX ReviewNUR 50200: Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice NursingNUR 50300: Advanced Health AssessmentNUR 50500: Sociocultural Influences On HealthNUR 51000: Research And Evidence Based Nursing PracticeNUR 51200: Clinical Applications In PharmacotherapeuticsNUR 51400: Clinical Application In Pharmacotherapeutics For Pediatric Nurse PractitionersNUR 51601: Clinical Applications In Pharmacology Family Nurse PractitionerNUR 51700: Doctor Of Nursing Project Seminar, Doctor Of Nursing PracticeNUR 52200: Psychopharmacology Across The LifespanNUR 52500: Informatics In NursingNUR 52900: Acute Illness: Pediatric Health PreceptorshipNUR 53200: Acute Illness: Adult Health PracticeNUR 53300: Acute Illness: Adult Health PreceptorshipNUR 54200: Chronic And Commonly Recurring Conditions: Adult Health PracticeNUR 54300: Chronic Illness: Adult PreceptorshipNUR 54400: Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Across The LifespanNUR 54500: Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Across The Lifespan I PreceptorshipNUR 55200: Chronic Illness And Commonly Recurring Conditions: Pediatric Health PracticeNUR 55300: Chronic Illness And Commonly Recurring Conditions: Pediatric Health PreceptorshipNUR 57600: Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Across The Lifespan IINUR 57700: Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Across The Lifespan II PreceptorshipNUR 59800: Master's CapstoneNUR 59900: DNP Project SeminarNUR 59900: Water Supply In Dev CountriesNUR 59900: DNP Proj Plan & ImplementationNUR 59900: Diff Medicare Vis Primary CareNUR 59900: PathophysiologyNUR 59900: EKG Interp Prim CareNUR 59900: Cognate ResidenciesNUR 59900: Expl Adult Hlth ConcptsNUR 59900: DNP ProjectNUR 59900: Discharge Surgical PatientsNUR 59900: Alt Therapies Clinical NP PracNUR 59900: Healthcare Economics & PolicyNUR 59900: APRN Pharm UpdateNUR 59900: Dschr Noon Surg Inpat EHR EvalNUR 59900: Diagn&Treatmnt Sbst Use DisrdrNUR 59900: EKG Interpret Prim CareNUR 59900: Efts Marijuana Breastfd InfntsNUR 59900: DNP SeminarNUR 59900: Interdisciplinary Rsch MthdsNUR 59900: PhD SeminarNUR 60400: PhD SeminarNUR 61100: Primary Care Of The Young FamilyNUR 61500: Primary Care Of The Young Family PreceptorshipNUR 62700: Primary Care Of The Aging Family PreceptorshipNUR 63100: Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship Clinical SynthesisNUR 64000: Human Factors In Healthcare EngineeringNUR 67300: DNP Health Policy ResidencyNUR 67500: Role Transition And SynthesisNUR 68000: DNP Cognate Residency: Direct Practice/Systems Management INUR 68100: DNP Cognate Residency: Direct Practice/Systems Management IINUR 68300: DNP Cognate Residency: Public Health/Homeland Security Practice INUR 68500: DNP Cognate Residence: Public Health/Homeland Security Practice IINUR 68700: Doctor Of Nursing Practice (DNP) Practice Inquiry: Evidence-Based Practice INUR 68900: Doctor Of Nursing Practice (DNP) Practice Inquiry: Evidence-Based Practice IINUR 69010: Research SeminarNUR 69020: Leadership SeminarNUR 69030: Communication SeminarNUR 69040: Collaboration SeminarNUR 69050: Implementing Theory In Healthcare ResearchNUR 69060: Innovative Care/Innovations In Healthcare DeliveryNUR 69100: Health Care Research MethodsNUR 69200: Applied Statistics In Healthcare ResearchNUR 69900: Research PhD ThesisNUR 90400: Nursing Senior Tests

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!