NUTR Courses
NUTR 10500: Nutrition In The 21st Century
NUTR 10600: Introduction To The Profession Of Dietetics
NUTR 10700: Introduction To Nutrition Science
NUTR 12500: Food Safety Certification And Career Development
NUTR 20500: Food Science I
NUTR 24500: Rookie Experience In Sports Nutrition
NUTR 29700: Introduction To Honors Research
NUTR 30300: Essentials Of Nutrition
NUTR 31500: Fundamentals Of Nutrition
NUTR 33000: Diet Selection And Planning
NUTR 33200: Nutrition Counseling
NUTR 34000: Field Experience In Nutrition, Fitness And Health
NUTR 34500: Continuing Experience In Sports Nutrition
NUTR 35000: Dietetics Practicum In Quantity Food Production
NUTR 36500: Physiology And Nutrition During The Life Cycle
NUTR 39000: Independent Undergraduate Research
NUTR 39200: Intro To Honors Research
NUTR 39200: Performance Nutrition
NUTR 39200: Undergraduate Instruction In Nutrition
NUTR 39700: Directed Honors Research
NUTR 41100: Dietetics Career Planning
NUTR 41500: Practicum In Nutrition, Fitness, And Health
NUTR 42400: Communication Techniques In Foods And Nutrition
NUTR 43000: Public Health Nutrition
NUTR 43600: Nutritional Assessment
NUTR 43700: Macronutrient Metabolism In Human Health And Disease
NUTR 43800: Micronutrient And Phytochemical Metabolism In Human Health And Disease
NUTR 44200: Foodservice Systems Management
NUTR 45300: Food Chemistry
NUTR 46100: Laboratory In Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTR 46500: Laboratory In Engagement
NUTR 48000: Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NUTR 48100: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
NUTR 48800: Topics In Nutrition, Fitness, And Health
NUTR 49000: Indep Undergrad Thesis
NUTR 49000: Independent Undergraduate Research
NUTR 49000: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
NUTR 49000: NUTR Undergraduate Research
NUTR 49100: Independent Study
NUTR 49200: Food Facts, Fads, And Fictions
NUTR 49200: Food Chemistry
NUTR 49500: Undergraduate Seminar In Foods And Nutrition
NUTR 49600: Evaluation Of Nutrition Science Research
NUTR 49700: Honors Research Project
NUTR 51100: Applied Nutrition Counseling
NUTR 51200: Dietary Supplements
NUTR 52100: Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy
NUTR 52300: Trends In Nutrition & Dietetics
NUTR 53100: Ethical Practice And Professionalism In Dietetics
NUTR 53100: Ethics Practice And Professionalism In Dietetics
NUTR 53200: World Food Problems
NUTR 53300: Community Nutrition Experience
NUTR 53400: Human Sensory Systems And Food Evaluation
NUTR 53900: Foodservice Systems Management Experience
NUTR 54100: Food Policy And Nutrition
NUTR 54200: Engagement Experience
NUTR 54300: Medical Nutrition Therapy Experience
NUTR 54400: Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy For Special Populations
NUTR 59000: Iron And Cognitive Function
NUTR 59000: Professional Devel Workshop
NUTR 59000: Spec Prob In Nutrition
NUTR 59000: Special Problems In Nutrition
NUTR 59000: Randomized Trials & Publ Hlth
NUTR 59000: Food Policy
NUTR 59000: Journey Through Digstv Tract
NUTR 59000: Basic Bone Biology
NUTR 59000: Microbial Genomes Metabolism
NUTR 59000: PICR Dual-Title Seminar
NUTR 59000: Journey Through Digestv Tract
NUTR 59000: Eat Dis And Health Weight Main
NUTR 59000: Leadership In Dietetics
NUTR 59000: Lipids And Cell Function
NUTR 59000: Introduction To Global Health
NUTR 59000: Nutrition Pathophysiology
NUTR 59000: Global Nutrition Problems
NUTR 59000: Gut Microbiome And Nutrition
NUTR 59000: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
NUTR 60500: Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology I
NUTR 60600: Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology II
NUTR 60700: Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology III
NUTR 62600: Advanced Presentation Skills
NUTR 62700: Scientific Writing
NUTR 62700: Scientific Writing In Nutrition Science
NUTR 63000: Carbohydrates
NUTR 63400: Nutrition And Cancer Prevention
NUTR 64000: Human Feeding
NUTR 69000: Interdepartmental Nutrition Program Grant Writing
NUTR 69400: Introductory Presentation Skills In Nutrition Science
NUTR 69400: Introductory Foods And Nutrition Seminar
NUTR 69500: Seminar
NUTR 69500: Interdepartmental Nutrition Program Seminar
NUTR 69800: Research MS Thesis
NUTR 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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