PHYS Courses
PHYS 10400: First Year Physics Seminar
PHYS 17200: Modern Mechanics
PHYS 17200: Modern Mechanics-Honors
PHYS 21400: The Nature Of Physics
PHYS 21500: Physics For Elementary Education
PHYS 22000: General Physics
PHYS 22100: General Physics
PHYS 23000: Physical Science For Elementary Education
PHYS 23300: Physics For Life Sciences I
PHYS 23400: Physics For Life Sciences II
PHYS 23500: Seminar In Careers In Physics
PHYS 24100: Electricity And Optics
PHYS 25200: Electricity And Optics Laboratory
PHYS 27200: E&M Interactions-Honors
PHYS 27200: Electric And Magnetic Interactions
PHYS 29000: Tch Asst For German Study Abrd
PHYS 29000: Service Learn Outreach
PHYS 29199: Cooperative Experience I
PHYS 29299: Cooperative Experience II
PHYS 29500: Outreach Assistance As Service Learning
PHYS 30600: Mathematical Methods Of Physics I
PHYS 30700: Mathematical Methods Of Physics II
PHYS 31000: Intermediate Mechanics
PHYS 32200: Intermediate Optics
PHYS 32300: Research With Big Data I
PHYS 32400: Research In Big Data II
PHYS 33000: Intermediate Electricity And Magnetism
PHYS 34000: Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYS 34200: Modern Physics
PHYS 34202: Introduction To Quantum Science
PHYS 34400: Introduction To Quantum Science
PHYS 34400: Modern Physics
PHYS 36000: Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 39000: Computationl Invest Of Liv Sys
PHYS 39000: Physics Data Mine
PHYS 41000: Physical Mechanics I Honors
PHYS 41100: Physical Mechanics II Honors
PHYS 41600: Thermal And Statistical Physics Honors
PHYS 42200: Waves And Oscillations
PHYS 43000: Electricity And Magnetism I Honors
PHYS 43100: Electricity And Magnetism II Honors
PHYS 45000: Intermediate Laboratory
PHYS 46000: Quantum Mechanics I Honors
PHYS 46100: Quantum Mechanics II Honors
PHYS 47000: Intro To Fluid Dynamics
PHYS 49000: X-Ray Imaging Of Fractures
PHYS 49000: Stochasticity In Living System
PHYS 49000: Condensed Matter Theory
PHYS 49000: Protein L’s Energy Landscape
PHYS 49000: X Ray Interferometry II
PHYS 49000: Ultrafast Molecular Science
PHYS 49000: X Ray Interferometry I
PHYS 49000: Quantum Computational Spin Phy
PHYS 49000: Ultrafast Dynamics
PHYS 49000: Machine Learning With Tops
PHYS 49000: Quantum Optics Lab
PHYS 49000: THz And Attosecond Science
PHYS 49000: Solid-State Magnetism
PHYS 49000: KOH Etching Of Si
PHYS 49000: Luminosity FCN In Protocluster
PHYS 49000: Hybrid SC Quantum Circuits
PHYS 49000: Radiation Detectors
PHYS 49000: Electronic Fractals In Quantum
PHYS 49000: Analysis Of Nebular Supernovae
PHYS 49000: CMS Pixel Detector Upgrade
PHYS 49000: Quantum ML Research
PHYS 49000: Research In High Energy Theory
PHYS 49000: Supernova Research
PHYS 49000: Dark Matter Research
PHYS 49000: Manfra Group Quantum Research
PHYS 49000: CMS Hardware Dev Research
PHYS 49000: Research With CMS Detector
PHYS 49000: Impact Cratering Research
PHYS 49000: Stellar Astronomy Research
PHYS 49000: Research With The CMS Detector
PHYS 49000: SIMple Physics Work
PHYS 49000: Research In Particle Physics
PHYS 49000: Quantum Physics Research
PHYS 49000: Quantum Optics Research
PHYS 49000: Special Assignments
PHYS 49000: Galactic Archaeology
PHYS 49000: Data Science: Good Versus Bad
PHYS 51000: Physical Mechanics
PHYS 51500: Thermal And Statistical Physics
PHYS 52100: Survey Of Classical Physics
PHYS 52600: Physics Of Quantum Computing And Quantum Information
PHYS 53000: Electricity And Magnetism
PHYS 53600: Electronic Techniques For Research
PHYS 54500: Solid-State Physics
PHYS 55000: Introduction To Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 55600: Introductory Nuclear Physics
PHYS 56000: Stellar Evolution
PHYS 56100: Galaxies And Large Scale Structure
PHYS 56200: Introduction To High Energy Astrophysics
PHYS 56300: Astroparticle Physics
PHYS 56400: Introduction To Elements Particle Physics
PHYS 56500: Introduction To Elementary Particle Physics II
PHYS 56700: Observational Techniques In Astronomy
PHYS 57000: Research In Physics Pedagogy
PHYS 57000: Quantum Information & Geometry
PHYS 57000: Adv Topic In Optc And Photncs
PHYS 57000: Intro To Biophysics
PHYS 57000: Superconducting Quantum Info
PHYS 57000: Quantum Gases
PHYS 57000: Biophysics Laboratory
PHYS 57000: Quantum Gravity & Black Holes
PHYS 57000: Biophys II:Quantm Effects Biol
PHYS 57000: Biophysics II
PHYS 57000: Gauge Theory For Experimentlst
PHYS 57000: AI And Physics
PHYS 57000: Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics
PHYS 57000: Order Of Magnitude Physics
PHYS 57000: Tch Erth Phys Sci Sec
PHYS 57000: Atomic, Molecular& Opt Phys II
PHYS 57000: Stochastic Processes In Phys
PHYS 57000: Atomic, Molec & Optical Phys I
PHYS 58000: Computational Physics
PHYS 59000: Low-Coherence Interferometry
PHYS 59000: Super-Resolution With SPAD
PHYS 59000: Atomic Collisions
PHYS 59000: Millikelvin Electronics
PHYS 59000: Operator Complexity
PHYS 59000: Explorations In PER
PHYS 59000: S-matrix Bootstrap
PHYS 59000: Solid State Magnetism
PHYS 59000: Entangled X-ray Beams
PHYS 59000: Scrambling Of Quantum Info
PHYS 59000: Stabilizing Qubit States
PHYS 59000: Relativistic Reconnection
PHYS 59000: Non Hermitian Quantum Dynamics
PHYS 59000: SC Quantum Circuits
PHYS 59000: Spectroscopy Of Andreev States
PHYS 59000: Spheromak Supported Bubbles
PHYS 59000: Non Linear Optics
PHYS 59000: Locality In Quantum Gravity
PHYS 59000: Resistivity Exponents
PHYS 59000: Purdue Silicon Detector Lab
PHYS 59000: Thermometry, Spin-Seebeck, QSL
PHYS 59000: Thermalization In 1D
PHYS 59000: Emission From A GRB Afterglow
PHYS 59000: Large-Scale Cosmic Structures
PHYS 59000: Joint Qubit-Readout
PHYS 59000: Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
PHYS 59000: Low Temperature RF Circuits
PHYS 59000: Quantum Optics
PHYS 59000: Low Dimensional Systems
PHYS 59000: Topics In High Energy Theory
PHYS 59000: Advanced Lab Independent Study
PHYS 59000: Noise Profiles And Instruments
PHYS 59000: Low Temp Thermometry And Noise
PHYS 59000: Precision Measurements
PHYS 59000: XUV Entangled Photons
PHYS 59000: Galaxy Evolution
PHYS 59000: Modeling Helium In Supernovae
PHYS 59000: Superconducting Circuits
PHYS 59000: Intro To Ultracold Atoms
PHYS 59000: Two Photon Dicke Model
PHYS 59000: Astro Journ Club
PHYS 59000: Quant Conditional Mutual Info
PHYS 59000: Laser-Assisted Scattering
PHYS 59000: Stripped Envelope Supernovae
PHYS 59000: R Projection On Spin Hamiltoni
PHYS 59000: Exp In Quantum Gas
PHYS 59000: Analyzing Supernova Spectra
PHYS 59000: Sustain Energy Src 21st Cent
PHYS 59000: Ultrafast Quantum Dynamics
PHYS 59000: Topological Phases Of Matter
PHYS 59000: Device Fabrication
PHYS 59000: Crystal Growth And Characteriz
PHYS 59000: Cratering Impacts
PHYS 59000: Intro To Low Temp Transport
PHYS 59000: Fundamentals Of Transport
PHYS 59000: Using Heavy Quark As A Probe T
PHYS 59000: Topolog Invs In Condens Matter
PHYS 59000: TI Josephson Junctions
PHYS 59000: Stabilize Entangled States
PHYS 59000: Mechno Reg Of Chromatin Motion
PHYS 59000: Motion Of Chromatin Via DSTORM
PHYS 59000: Analysis For The Muon Collider
PHYS 59000: Intro To Mesoscopic Transport
PHYS 59000: Protoplanetary Disks
PHYS 59000: CMS H->Mumu Analysis Software
PHYS 59000: Holographic Complexity
PHYS 59000: Condensed Matter Theory
PHYS 59000: Three Body 1D Thermalization
PHYS 59000: CMS Dilepton + B Jets Analysis
PHYS 59000: Quantum Comp In Stat Mech
PHYS 59000: Complexity Geometry SU(2)
PHYS 59000: Studies Of Quantum Materials
PHYS 59000: Theory Of Quantum Materials
PHYS 59000: Introductory Computational AMO
PHYS 59000: Molecular Spectroscopy And Dyn
PHYS 59000: PER: Group Grading Using NLP
PHYS 59000: Fracture Intersections
PHYS 59000: CMS Pixel Detector Upgrade
PHYS 59000: Ultrafast Quantum Dyanmics
PHYS 59000: Neuromorphic Materials Theory
PHYS 59000: Experimental Res In AMO
PHYS 59000: Active Matter Holography
PHYS 59000: Galactic Evolution/Formation
PHYS 59000: AdS CFT Correspondence
PHYS 59000: Study Charm Hadron Production
PHYS 59000: Density Functional Theory
PHYS 59000: Photonic Microring Circuits
PHYS 59000: Complexity Geom Entanglement
PHYS 59000: SMBHB Disk Accretion
PHYS 59000: Sulfur Inventory For Protostar
PHYS 59000: Planetary Ring Evolution
PHYS 59000: Crystal Synthesis And Characte
PHYS 59000: Fund Quantum Transport
PHYS 59000: Optimisation Of SC Films
PHYS 59000: Diagonalization Algorithms
PHYS 59000: Randomized Measurements
PHYS 59000: Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow
PHYS 59000: Quantum Chaos And Therm
PHYS 59000: Theoretical Astrophysics
PHYS 59000: Transport In Mesoscopic System
PHYS 59000: Thermalization In 1D (AMO)
PHYS 59000: Quantum Computation
PHYS 59000: Atom Array On Nanostructure
PHYS 59000: MicroRing Circutis Photonics
PHYS 59000: Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow II
PHYS 59000: Quantum Machine Learning
PHYS 59000: Rydberg Systems
PHYS 59000: CMS-ML Data Analytics
PHYS 59000: High Energy Ion Interactions
PHYS 59000: Theoretic High Energy Astro
PHYS 59000: Neutron Scattering Analysis
PHYS 59000: Topological Quantum Computing
PHYS 59000: Silicon Detector Lab
PHYS 59000: Topological Quantum Comp
PHYS 59000: Rydberg Scattering
PHYS 59000: Topics In Quantum Field Theory
PHYS 59000: Rydber Dipole Interactions
PHYS 59000: Quantu Device & Electr Transpt
PHYS 59000: Cryogenic Techniques In CMP
PHYS 59000: RTM Of Ice For A Young Disk
PHYS 59000: Emergent Spacetimes
PHYS 59000: Theory Of Solid-State QM Optic
PHYS 59000: Setting Up A MBE System
PHYS 59000: Quantum Gas Experiment
PHYS 59000: Levitated Nanoparticles
PHYS 59000: Supernova Explosions
PHYS 59000: Radiation Detectors
PHYS 59000: Ices In Protoplanetary Disks
PHYS 59000: Cooling Li In A Tweezer
PHYS 59000: Quantum Machine Learning Apps
PHYS 59000: Quantum Project
PHYS 59000: Topology And Coherent Effects
PHYS 59000: Physics Education Research
PHYS 59000: Galaxy Research
PHYS 59000: Ultracold Atomic Physics
PHYS 59000: SMBHB Research
PHYS 59000: Stellar Astrophysics Research
PHYS 59000: Non-Hermitian Physics
PHYS 59000: Reading And Research
PHYS 59000: Research In Particle Physics
PHYS 59000: Intro To Supernova Research
PHYS 59000: Physics Research (hep-th)
PHYS 59000: Intro To Mesoscopic Physics
PHYS 59000: AI In Nuclear Physics
PHYS 59000: Ultracold Atom Physics
PHYS 59000: Research In Plasma Simulations
PHYS 59000: Supernova Research
PHYS 59000: Research In AI
PHYS 59000: AMO Lab Research
PHYS 59000: Research Galaxy Clusters
PHYS 59000: QI Reading Course
PHYS 59000: Dark Matter Research
PHYS 59000: Research In Atomic Physics
PHYS 59000: Spheromak Bubbles Research
PHYS 59000: Research With The CMS Detector
PHYS 59000: Quantum Optics Research
PHYS 59000: Research In High Energy Theory
PHYS 59000: Research In CMS
PHYS 59000: AMO Research
PHYS 59000: High Energy Nuclear Physics
PHYS 59000: Optics Research
PHYS 59000: Geodynamics Research
PHYS 59000: Research
PHYS 59000: Research With CMS Detector
PHYS 59000: Ultracold Physics With Rb
PHYS 59000: Artificial Intell In STEM Educ
PHYS 59300: High Energy Thesis
PHYS 59300: Galactic Evolution
PHYS 59300: Low Coherence Interferometry
PHYS 59300: Actomyosin Light Scattering
PHYS 59300: QA Of Frustrated Magnets
PHYS 59300: Quantum Computing Research
PHYS 59300: Dark Matter Research
PHYS 59300: Galaxy Research
PHYS 59300: Undergraduate Senior Thesis
PHYS 59300: Independent Research
PHYS 59300: CMS Tracker Upgrade Research
PHYS 59300: QCMT UG Research
PHYS 59300: Research For EAPS Masters
PHYS 59300: Honors Independent Research
PHYS 59300: High Energy Physics Analysis
PHYS 59300: Productive Failure In Physics
PHYS 59300: Quantum Physics Research
PHYS 59300: AMO Physics Research
PHYS 59500: Instructional Design In Physical Science
PHYS 60000: Methods Of Theoretical Physics I
PHYS 60100: Methods Of Theoretical Physics II
PHYS 60300: Methods Of Theoretical Physics IIIB
PHYS 60500: Pedagogical Methods For Physics Graduate Students
PHYS 61000: Advanced Theoretical Mechanics
PHYS 61700: Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 63000: Advanced Theory Of Electricity And Magnetism
PHYS 63100: Advanced Theory Of Electricity And Magnetism
PHYS 64500: Electron Theory Of Solids I
PHYS 64600: Electron Theory Of Solids II
PHYS 66000: Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 66100: Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 66200: Quantum Field Theory I
PHYS 66300: Quantum Field Theory II
PHYS 67500: General Relativity
PHYS 69600: Introduction To Physics Research
PHYS 69800: Research MS Thesis
PHYS 69900: Research PhD Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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