SPAN Courses

SPAN 10100: Spanish Level ISPAN 10200: Spanish Level IISPAN 10500: Accelerated Basic SpanishSPAN 11200: Elementary Spanish ConversationSPAN 20100: Spanish Level IIISPAN 20200: Spanish Level IVSPAN 20500: Accelerated Intermediate SpanishSPAN 21200: Intermediate Spanish ConversationSPAN 22400: Spanish Level IV: Business SpanishSPAN 23500: Black Women RisingSPAN 23500: Illuminating Latin AmericaSPAN 23500: Latin American Short StoriesSPAN 24100: Intro To Hispanic Lit-HonorsSPAN 24100: Introduction To The Study Of Hispanic LiteratureSPAN 28000: Second-Year Spanish: Special TopicsSPAN 30100: Spanish Level VSPAN 30200: Spanish Level VISPAN 30500: Spanish For Heritage SpeakersSPAN 30801: Advanced Spanish For Heritage SpeakersSPAN 31200: Advanced Spanish ConversationSPAN 32100: Introduction To Spanish For The ProfessionsSPAN 32200: Spanish For The Health ProfessionsSPAN 32300: Global Sustainable EngineeringSPAN 32300: Humanities-Informed Engineering ProjectsSPAN 32500: Spanish For Engineering And TechnologySPAN 33000: Spanish And Latin American CinemaSPAN 34100: Hispanic Literature I: Poetry And DramaSPAN 34200: Hispanic Literature II: ProseSPAN 36100: The Structure Of Spanish I: Phonetics And PhonologySPAN 36200: The Structure Of Spanish II: Morphology, Lexicology, And SyntaxSPAN 39800: The Hispanic WorldSPAN 39800: Spanish In The USSPAN 39800: Spanish For EngineeringSPAN 40100: Spanish Level VIISPAN 40200: Spanish Level VIIISPAN 41201: Advanced Spanish Conversation IISPAN 41500: Spanish Translation And InterpretingSPAN 41900: Directed Tutoring In SpanishSPAN 42400: Business SpanishSPAN 48000: Spanish CivilizationSPAN 48100: Spanish CultureSPAN 48200: Latin American CivilizationSPAN 48300: Latin American CultureSPAN 48500: Food And Culture In The Hispanic WorldSPAN 49800: Hispanic Literature ISPAN 49800: Spanish Pragmatics ResearchSPAN 49800: Don QuixoteSPAN 49800: Spanglish In Ling & CulSPAN 49800: Food Culture Hispanic WorldSPAN 51900: Teaching College SpanishSPAN 54000: Spanish Literature Of The Middle AgesSPAN 54500: Spanish Literature Of The 20th CenturySPAN 55000: Spanish American Literature Of The Colonial PeriodSPAN 55100: Spanish American Literature Of The 19th CenturySPAN 55200: Spanish American Literature From 1900 To 1970SPAN 55300: Spanish American Literature From 1970- PresentSPAN 56100: The Structure Of Spanish I: Phonetics, Phonology, And DialectologySPAN 56200: The Structure Of Spanish II: Morphology, Lexicology, And SyntaxSPAN 56300: History Of The Spanish LanguageSPAN 56401: Spanish SociolinguisticsSPAN 59000: Peruvian Amazonian LiteratureSPAN 59000: Experiential PedagogySPAN 59000: Spanish For The ProfessionsSPAN 59000: Spanish Linguistics ResearchSPAN 59000: Directed Reading In SpanishSPAN 59000: Current Research In Span LingSPAN 59400: Borders And BorderlandsSPAN 59600: Theories-For Lang AcqSPAN 59600: Indo-Eur Language FamilySPAN 59600: Ling Typology & Lang UnivrslsSPAN 59600: Morphological SystemsSPAN 59600: Acoustics Of SpeechSPAN 59600: Fundamentals Of MorphologySPAN 59600: Language AcquisitionSPAN 59600: Introduction To PragmaticsSPAN 59600: Heritage Language Acq & TchngSPAN 59600: Intro To Corp Ling With PythonSPAN 63000: Bibliography And Literary CriticismSPAN 65900: Insurrection ProseSPAN 65900: Sex And Gender In Iberian LitSPAN 65900: Latin American Lit And CultureSPAN 65900: Transatlantic BaroqueSPAN 65900: Feminist Trans StudiesSPAN 65900: Transatlantic Picaresque NovelSPAN 65900: Narrating Emotions Hispan LitSPAN 65900: Latin American TheaterSPAN 65900: Don Quixote And CervantesSPAN 65900: Latin American Short StorySPAN 65900: Latin American EcocriticismSPAN 65900: Mod Spanish Women WritersSPAN 65900: Borders And BorderlandsSPAN 65900: Representation Of RevolutionSPAN 65900: LA Lyrical NovelSPAN 65900: Migration, Exile, DiasporaSPAN 65900: Rep Of The Past Mod Span CulSPAN 65900: SPAN Transatlantic NetworksSPAN 67900: Individual Differences In SLASPAN 67900: Language And Code-SwitchingSPAN 67900: Complexity And FluencySPAN 67900: Vocabulary And Reading In SLASPAN 67900: Classroom SLASPAN 69800: Research MA ThesisSPAN 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!