TDM Courses
TDM 10100: The Data Mine Seminar I
TDM 10200: The Data Mine Seminar II
TDM 11100: Corporate Partners I
TDM 11200: Corporate Partners II
TDM 19000: Research In Agriculture
TDM 20100: The Data Mine Seminar III
TDM 20200: The Data Mine Seminar IV
TDM 21100: Corporate Partners III
TDM 21200: Corporate Partners IV
TDM 29000: Research – Natural Disasters
TDM 29000: CRP-Wikidata
TDM 30100: The Data Mine Seminar V
TDM 30200: The Data Mine Seminar VI
TDM 31100: Corporate Partners V
TDM 31200: Corporate Partners VI
TDM 39000: Early Pred Of Cardiac Arrest
TDM 39000: Data Interoperability
TDM 40100: The Data Mine Seminar VII
TDM 40200: The Data Mine Seminar VIII
TDM 41100: Corporate Partners VII
TDM 41200: Corporate Partners VIII
TDM 49000: CRP-Aerospace Corporation
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP PUStudentLife
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Howmet Ips
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP DORIS
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-BECKSHYBRIDS
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-LockheedMartin
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Caterpillar
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Merck
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Merck NLP
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-RAYTHEONBI
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-Elanco
TDM 49000: Tch Asst CRP AGRpa
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-WEBEE
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP-Viasat
TDM 49000: Team-Leader-CRP-USDAFIA_
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-Raytheon
TDM 49000: Tch Asst CRP TheDataMine
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Cook
TDM 49000: Team-Leader-CRP-Pebblst
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Minecraft
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-CDC
TDM 49000: Tch Asst CRP-INARI
TDM 49000: Indep-Research-Merck-CV
TDM 49000: Team Leader CRP Becks Hybrids
TDM 49000: Team-leader-CRP-StudentLife_
TDM 49000: TDM Ag Research Project
TDM 50100: The Data Mine Seminar
TDM 51100: Corporate Partners
TDM 59000: Uncertainty In ML Models
TDM 59000: Team Leader CRP SDatalab
TDM 59000: Team Leader CRP BATTELLE _
TDM 59000: Team-leader-CRP-CDC_PROTECT
TDM 59000: Team Leader CRP LockheedMartin
TDM 59000: CRP-Merck-Drug Discovery
TDM 59000: Team Leader CRP FNL
TDM 59000: Team Leader CRP-SpOc
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
. We'd love to hear your