TECH Courses

TECH 10000: Technology Freshman SeminarTECH 10100: Women In Technology: Exploring The PossibilitiesTECH 12000: Design Thinking In TechnologyTECH 19900: Teaching AssistantTECH 19900: Intro To 3D Spatial VisTECH 19900: Living With PurposeTECH 19900: Living With Purpose & ThrivingTECH 22000: Designing Technology For PeopleTECH 29199: Cooperative Experience ITECH 29299: Cooperative Experience IITECH 33000: Technology And The Global SocietyTECH 34000: Prototyping Technology For PeopleTECH 38199: Professional Practice Co-Op ITECH 38299: Professional Practice Co-Op IITECH 38399: Professional Practice Co-Op IIITECH 39399: Cooperative Experience IIITECH 39499: Extensive Cooperative Experience IVTECH 39599: Extensive Cooperative Experience VTECH 39699: Professional Practice InternshipTECH 53300: Design Theory And TechnologyTECH 58100: Value Engr&Vislztn For SustainTECH 58100: Tech Realiz WorkshopTECH 58100: Tech Realizatn SeminarTECH 58100: Rethink Tech & EthicsTECH 60100: Research Seminar In TechnologyTECH 60300: Graduate SeminarTECH 62100: Insd Res Prb SupvTECH 62100: Insd Res Prb Supv PerTECH 69000: Educational Modules For NISTTECH 69000: Adv Techni In Neuronal ModulTECH 69000: Effects Of Remote Vs HybridTECH 69000: Spec Topics In Brain Insp HWTECH 69000: AR In Engineering EducationTECH 69000: Apps Of ML In HealthcareTECH 69000: Special Topics In D-BESTTECH 69000: Sulfur Cathode DesignTECH 69000: Dissertation ProposalTECH 69000: Applying RL In MERTECH 69000: Applied Research & MultivariatTECH 69000: Mixed Reality For Fluid PowerTECH 69000: Optimize Die Geometry With CFDTECH 69000: Independent StudiesTECH 69000: Machine Leanring In MaterialTECH 69000: Virtual Reality: Learning ToolTECH 69000: Tracking & Tracing Industry4.0TECH 69000: DL For Wireless InfrastructureTECH 69000: Advanced Deep Generative ModelTECH 69000: Qualitative Research MethodsTECH 69000: CyberForensics In Mobile SysTECH 69000: Capital ProjectsTECH 69000: Adv Instrc Mthds AI Ethics EduTECH 69000: Des & Con Of Dynamic SystemsTECH 69000: Oxide Based CMOS SystemTECH 69000: Integration Of BIM For BridgeTECH 69000: CDPR On Curved SurfaceTECH 69000: TGAM Application In Smart ConsTECH 69000: IGZO/SIO2 Bilayer MemristorTECH 69000: Applied NLP IIITECH 69000: PV Sys Reliability ModelingTECH 69000: Double-layer IGZO MemristorTECH 69000: GIC Modelling And ControlTECH 69000: GIC Testing ProceduresTECH 69000: 3d Printed Conductive ElectrodTECH 69000: Cyberlearning Prof Dev GlobalTECH 69000: Organizational Behavior & SQLTECH 69000: Hierarchical RL Concept & AppTECH 69000: Findings And Discussion In QuaTECH 69000: Reverse Osmosis ProjectTECH 69000: Event-Based Force MeasurementTECH 69000: BIM GIS Integration In CMTECH 69000: Virtual Reality DevelopmentTECH 69000: Verification Respiratory DevTECH 69000: HR AnalyticsTECH 69000: Event-based Computer VisionTECH 69000: Building Performance ManagemntTECH 69000: Data ModelingTECH 69000: 3D Structured Electrode DesignTECH 69000: Customer Data IntegrationTECH 69000: Variable Stiffness GripperTECH 69000: Cathode Design For LIBsTECH 69000: MLOps For Evolvable AITECH 69000: FSL In Symptom PredictionTECH 69000: Smart ConstructionTECH 69000: Sust Construction ManagementTECH 69000: Energy Storage For Defense AppTECH 69000: VR Statistical AnalysisTECH 69000: Independent Study In TechnologyTECH 69000: Independant StudyTECH 69000: Independent StudyTECH 69000: Independent Study In TechnologTECH 69000: CDPR On Curved Surface TECHTECH 69000: Independent Study In TechTECH 69000: Additive Manufacturing TechTECH 69000: Advanced Image Processing TechTECH 69000: Intro To Dig Bio Emb Sys TechTECH 69000: Multi-human Multi-robot SystemTECH 69500: Graduate Professional PracticeTECH 69700: Qualitative Research Methods In Technology StudiesTECH 69900: Research PhD Thesis

BoilerClassesis an unofficial catalog for Purdue courses made by Purdue students, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. We'd love to hear your feedback!