THTR Courses
THTR 13300: Acting I
THTR 13300: Survey Of Acting
THTR 15001: Introduction To Drafting
THTR 15002: Introduction To Scenery Construction Tools And Techniques
THTR 15003: Introduction To Rigging For Theatre
THTR 16000: Introduction To Scene Design And Technology
THTR 16100: Introduction To Costume Design And Technology
THTR 16200: Introduction To Light Design And Technology
THTR 16300: Introduction To Sound Design And Technology
THTR 16400: Introduction To Theatre Organization And Management
THTR 20100: Theatre Appreciation
THTR 21300: Voice For The Actor
THTR 23300: Acting II
THTR 23300: Acting I: Acting Technique
THTR 25300: Survey Of Audio Production
THTR 25400: Drafting For Theatre
THTR 25600: Stage Make-Up
THTR 26300: Introduction To Sound Studios
THTR 27100: Interpreting The Play Script
THTR 29000: Animatronics
THTR 29000: Hair, Fur, Silicone
THTR 29000: Historical Hairstyling
THTR 29000: Intro To Blding Animatrnics P1
THTR 29000: Thinking As A Designer
THTR 29000: Technical Sculpture
THTR 29000: Careers In Professional Audio
THTR 29000: Acting I Tchg Assistant
THTR 29000: Advanced Practice In Critique
THTR 29000: Frankenstein Dramaturgy
THTR 29000: Practice-Based Research
THTR 29000: Burns Combat
THTR 29000: Solo Performance
THTR 29000: Self-Care For The Actor
THTR 29000: Characterization
THTR 29000: The Comic Vision
THTR 32300: Acting: Movement For The Actor
THTR 33300: Acting II: Scene Study
THTR 33300: Acting III
THTR 33400: Acting III: Acting For The Camera
THTR 33600: Bright Star Music
THTR 33600: Frankenstein
THTR 33600: Mr. Burns
THTR 33600: Cell Phone
THTR 33600: Medea
THTR 33600: Bright Star
THTR 33600: Faustus
THTR 33600: Midsummer
THTR 33600: Shakespeare In Love
THTR 33600: Gloria
THTR 33600: Myth Of My Pain
THTR 35300: Theatre Audio Techniques I
THTR 35300: Theater Audio Techniques I
THTR 35400: Painting For The Stage
THTR 36000: Scenic Design
THTR 36100: Costume Design
THTR 36200: Light Design
THTR 36300: Sound Design
THTR 36800: Theatre Production II
THTR 36800: Theatre Production
THTR 38000: Histories Of Theatre
THTR 38000: History Of Theatre I
THTR 38100: Theatre And Performance Historiography
THTR 38100: History Of Theatre II
THTR 39000: Mech Design For Animatronics
THTR 39000: Patterning
THTR 39000: Acting
THTR 39000: Purdue Fusion Studio Research
THTR 39000: Assistant Directing
THTR 39000: Fight Choreography
THTR 39000: Lighting Design
THTR 39000: Developing Intelligent Scenery
THTR 39000: Dvlp Intelligent Moving Scnery
THTR 39000: Back Talkin Operetta Workshop
THTR 39000: Dvlp Intellignt Moving Scenery
THTR 39000: Black Drama
THTR 43300: Acting IV: Acting Shakespeare
THTR 44000: Directing: Page To Stage
THTR 49000: New Play Production Management
THTR 49000: Faustus Dramaturgy
THTR 51400: Vocal Production For The Stage II
THTR 52400: Creating A Character II
THTR 52500: Theatrical Characterization
THTR 52600: Advanced Stage Movement
THTR 53200: Professional Issues In Theatre
THTR 53300: Acting Technique
THTR 53500: Vocal/Physical Preparation
THTR 53600: Mr Burns
THTR 53600: Gloria
THTR 53600: Frankenstein
THTR 53600: Cell Phone
THTR 53600: Shakespeare In Love
THTR 53600: Myth Of My Pain
THTR 53600: Faustus
THTR 53600: Midsummer
THTR 53600: Medea
THTR 53600: Bright Star
THTR 53800: Acting For The Camera
THTR 53900: Period Style For The Actor
THTR 54500: Directional Process In Production
THTR 55000: Project Planning For The Stage
THTR 55000: Structural Dsgn For The Stage
THTR 55000: Show Networks And Controls
THTR 55000: Adv Arena Rigging
THTR 55000: Advanced Scenery Technology
THTR 55000: Scenery Automation
THTR 55000: Control Systems Design
THTR 55100: Advanced Costume Techniques
THTR 55300: Theatre Audio Technology II
THTR 55600: Advanced Stage Makeup
THTR 55800: Adv Prblms Theatre Technology
THTR 56000: Advanced Scenic Design
THTR 56100: Advanced Costume Design
THTR 56200: Advanced Light Design
THTR 56300: Advanced Sound Design
THTR 56400: Theatrical Rendering
THTR 56700: Model Construction
THTR 56800: Props Construction
THTR 56800: Dance Lighting Coordinator
THTR 56800: Dance Light Coordinator
THTR 56800: Dance Sound Design
THTR 56800: Dance Lighting
THTR 56800: Properties Design
THTR 56800: Dance Light Design
THTR 56900: Special Problems In Audio Production
THTR 57001: Statics And Structures For Theatre I
THTR 58000: Period Style For The Designer
THTR 59000: Voice Over And Narration
THTR 59000: Design Studio: Wearable Art
THTR 59000: Advanced Character Design
THTR 59000: Directed Study Of Special Theatre Problems
THTR 59000: Business Of Design
THTR 59000: AV Professional Development
THTR 59000: PLCs, Controls, And Immersive
THTR 59000: Stage Combat-Faustus
THTR 59000: Stage Combat
THTR 59000: Wig Const And Styling
THTR 59000: Choreography
THTR 59000: Stage Combat-El Mito
THTR 59000: Show Networks And Controls
THTR 59000: Audio Technology
THTR 59000: Entropics
THTR 59000: Production Research
THTR 59000: Dialects
THTR 59000: Dramaturgy
THTR 59000: System Design And Safety
THTR 59000: System Design Practicum
THTR 59000: Local Theatre Education
THTR 59000: Technical Theatre Education
THTR 59000: Independent Study
THTR 59000: Costume Techniques
THTR 59000: Costume Crafts
THTR 59000: Design For Opera
THTR 59000: THTR 590
THTR 59000: Tech In Devised THTR Lit Revie
THTR 59700: Production And Design Seminar
THTR 61300: Classical Text I
THTR 61400: Classical Text II
THTR 63300: Interpretive Acting Techniques
THTR 66900: Tutorial Internship For MFA
THTR 67000: Script Interpretation
THTR 67100: Modern Theory And Criticism
THTR 69700: MFA Terminal Project
THTR 69800: Research MA Or MFA Thesis
is an
unofficial catalog
for Purdue courses made by Purdue students,
based in
West Lafayette, Indiana
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